[Ovmsdev] OVMS Poller module/singleton

Michael Balzer dexter at expeedo.de
Mon Jan 20 03:30:21 HKT 2025


Am 03.05.24 um 12:53 schrieb Derek Caudwell via OvmsDev:
> When running *firmware **3.3.004-74-gbd4e7196* on my Nissan Leaf I 
> suspect (but can't be 100% sure as it's only been 24h without fault) 
> the new poller caused the car to throw the attached faults from 
> overloading the can bus whilst driving. The fault was sufficient to 
> send the car into limp mode and could not be driven until cleared with 
> LeafSpy.

Build 3.3.004-74 (released 2024-04-30) did not yet include the poller 
tracing control, i.e. it did lots of logging for frames, significantly 
affecting overall performance.

Poller tracing control was introduced in 
on May 12.

That commit was first included in build 3.3.004-103-g11fddbf6 released 
2024-05-25. Do you remember testing that build or a later one?

But as I still don't understand how a software queue overflow could 
cause a bus crash, I've also checked the 500 kbit timing for the MCP2515 
and found that may have the same issue as the 125 kbit timing:

Our timing is:
   case CAN_SPEED_500KBPS:
     cnf1=0x00; cnf2=0xf0; cnf3=0x86;
   = PROP=1, PS1=7, PS2=7, SJW=1, Sample 3x @56.3%

Remember, the SAE/CiA recommendation is SJW=2, Sample 1x @87.5%. That 
would translate to:
   PROP=5, PS1=8, PS2=2, SJW=2, Sample 1x @87.5% =
     cnf1=0x40; cnf2=0xbc; cnf3=0x81;

I also checked the Arduino MCP_CAN lib, and that uses:
     cnf1=0x40; cnf2=0xe5; cnf3=0x83;
   = PROP=6, PS1=5, PS2=4, SJW=2, Sample 3x @75%

So our timing for 500 kbit/s on the MCP buses also isn't as recommended.

Derek, could you test the SAE/CiA recommendation and the MCP_CAN config 
as shown? Or anyone else with a live can2/can3 bus at 500 kbit?

If these work, the question is which is the more general setup we should 
adopt. Apparently the MCP_CAN lib also does not follow the CiA 
recommendation, I wonder if the MCP_CAN config is a compromise for 


Am 19.01.25 um 19:07 schrieb Derek Caudwell via OvmsDev:
> Hi Michael
> I just used the firmware stock with no changes to the poller settings.
> The Leaf is using high speeds on both buses:
> On Sun, 19 Jan 2025, 10:15 pm Michael Balzer via OvmsDev, 
> <ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
>     Michael,
>     I suggest adding a standard bool member variable to reflect if any
>     filter is defined, so `PollerRxCallback()` can just skip the
>     filter test while that is false. A mutex has some overhead, even
>     if used non-blocking, and a bool variable only read there will be
>     sufficient to signal "apply filtering" to the callback. With the
>     simple bool test, all vehicles that don't need filtering (i.e.
>     most vehicles) will have a neglectible impact from this.
>     Regarding the overhead: the GCC atomic implementation should use
>     the xtensa CPU builtin atomic support (SCOMPARE1 register & S32C1I
>     instruction), so should be pretty fast and not use any interrupt
>     disabling, see:
>       * https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Atomic (xtensa atomic support since
>         gcc 4.4.0)
>       * https://www.cadence.com/content/dam/cadence-www/global/en_US/documents/tools/silicon-solutions/compute-ip/isa-summary.pdf
>         (section 4.3.13)
>     So I still doubt the queue overflow is the real culprit.
>     But having the filter option doesn't hurt (with my suggestion
>     above), and your changes to the queue processing look promising as
>     well.
>     @Derek: what was your poller tracing & timing setup when you had
>     the bus issue on the Leaf? I still think that was something
>     related to your car or setup. There are currently 11 Leafs on my
>     server running "edge" releases including the new poller, all
>     without (reported) issues.
>     Regards,
>     Michael
>     Am 19.01.25 um 04:26 schrieb Michael Geddes:
>>     P/R Created
>>     https://github.com/openvehicles/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/pull/1100
>>     Let me know if you want me to split it up or ANY changes and I'll
>>     get onto it asap.
>>     Maybe somebody could grab the code and check it out in the
>>     context of specifying some filters. This will prevent those
>>     messages from coming to the vehicle implementation at all.. and
>>     even from going through the poller queue.  It is non-blocking
>>     meaning that the filter is briefly inopperational while the
>>     filter is being modified.
>>     //.
>>     On Sun, 19 Jan 2025 at 11:02, Michael Geddes
>>     <frog at bunyip.wheelycreek.net> wrote:
>>         On Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 17:08, Michael Balzer via OvmsDev
>>         <ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
>>>             I have commented out the line with the Atomic_Increment
>>>             statement. Now I no longer receive any messages with “RX
>>>             Task Queue Overflow Run”
>>>             Here is the output of poller times status:
>>             The main question is if you still get the CAN bus crash
>>             (vehicle running into issues) with that modification in
>>             active mode. Timing statistics were not expected to change.
>>         I have a feeling that the atomic operations are along the
>>         lines of:
>>         * Set Interrupts off
>>         * atomic operation
>>         * Set interrupts on
>>         Which means no real 'blocking' .. just not allowing
>>         interrupts and therefor task switching for a couple of
>>         instructions.
>>             Nearly 2800 frames per second is quite a lot, and most is
>>             on can1 with many frame periods at 20 ms. Yet the total
>>             processing time averages at 30-40 ms, so there is no
>>             actual CPU capacity issue for that amount of frames.
>>             @Derek: can you please supply these statistics for the
>>             Leaf in drive mode as well?
>>             Am 18.01.25 um 02:42 schrieb Michael Geddes via OvmsDev:
>>>             Maybe try setting CONFIG_OVMS_VEHICLE_CAN_RX_QUEUE_SIZE
>>>             = 160   and see if that reduces the overflow?
>>             Simons car sends at least 91 process data frame IDs on
>>             can1 and 84 on can2. Worst case would be these come all
>>             in within the shortest possible time span, that would
>>             mean the queue needs to be able to hold 175 frames. I'd
>>             add some headroom and round up to 200.
>>             But keep in mind, if the Incoming processing actually
>>             occasionally gets blocked for up to 60 ms -- as indicated
>>             by Simons statistics --, the queue may need to be twice
>>             as large.
>>             Am 18.01.25 um 02:42 schrieb Michael Geddes via OvmsDev:
>>>              I was thinking that the frame filter would be here:
>>>             void OvmsPollers::PollerRxCallback(const CAN_frame_t*
>>>             frame, bool success)
>>>               {
>>>               Queue_PollerFrame(*frame, success, false);
>>>               }
>>>             which I guess is executed in  the task handling the CAN
>>>             queue.  (we don't know how many frames get dropped there).
>>             Actually we do know that, or at least have some
>>             indication, as we count the CAN transceiver queue
>>             overruns. That info is included as "Rx overflw" in the
>>             can status output & as "rxovr" in the logs.
>>             Adding a filter before queueing the frame would exclude
>>             the filtered IDs from all vehicle processing. I meant
>>             adding a filter just to exclude IDs from the timing
>>             statistics, assuming those are the culprits, as Simon
>>             wrote the issue only appears after enabling the timing
>>             statistics and printing them. That's why I asked if
>>             printing might need to lock the statistics for too long
>>             in case of such a long list.
>>             Completely blocking ID ranges from processing by the
>>             vehicle should normally not be necessary, unless the
>>             Incoming handler is written very poorly.
>>             Yet, if we add that, a mutex in the CAN RX callback must
>>             be avoided, or would need to be non-blocking:
>>>             The only real concern is thread safety between checking
>>>             and adding to the filter - so the check itself might
>>>             have to be mutexed.
>>>             void OvmsPollers::PollerRxCallback(const CAN_frame_t*
>>>             frame, bool success)
>>>               {
>>>               // Check filter
>>>                 {
>>>               OvmsRecMutexLock lock(&m_filter_mutex);
>>>                 if (! m_filter->IsFiltered(frame))
>>>                   return;
>>>                 }
>>>               Queue_PollerFrame(*frame, success, false);
>>>               }
>>             A mutex like that could block the CAN task, which must be
>>             avoided at all cost. I introduced CAN callbacks for
>>             vehicles & applications that need to react to certain
>>             frames as fast as possible, e.g. to maintain control
>>             precedence, so cannot use the standard CAN listener
>>             mechanism (frame queueing).
>>             The current poller callback use is OK, if (!) the atomic
>>             type really isn't the culprit, ie doesn't block.
>>             So if (!) an ID filter needs to be added before queueing,
>>             it needs to be done in a way that needs no mutex. But I
>>             don't see an issue with the vehicle passing a fixed
>>             filter when registering with the poller/buses. The filter
>>             doesn't need to by mutable on the fly.
>>             Regards,
>>             Michael
>>             Am 17.01.25 um 19:42 schrieb Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev:
>>>>             The poller statistics can help you track this down, but
>>>>             you need to have at least 10 seconds of statistics, the
>>>>             more the better. Rule of thumb: PRI average at
>>>>             0.0/second means you don't have enough data yet.
>>>             There were again many messages with “RX Task Queue
>>>             Overflow Run”.
>>>             Here are the statistics of poller times status:
>>>             OVMS# poll times status
>>>             Poller timing is: on
>>>             Type           | count  | Utlztn | Time
>>>                            | per s  | [%]    | [ms]
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             Poll:PRI    Avg|    1.00| 0.0043|    0.004
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0043|    0.052
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[010] Avg|   34.26| 1.6741|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.6741|    1.182
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[030] Avg|   34.06| 1.7085|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.7085|    1.390
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[041] Avg|   49.89| 0.8109|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8541|    1.098
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[049] Avg|   50.00| 1.5970|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.7154|   32.233
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[04c] Avg|   49.92| 0.8340|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8933|    1.995
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[04d] Avg|   34.43| 1.6211|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.6756|    1.318
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[076] Avg|   50.00| 0.8362|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8784|    2.185
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[077] Avg|   50.00| 0.7837|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8083|    1.156
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[07a] Avg|   34.31| 2.1870|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.3252|    1.888
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[07d] Avg|   50.00| 0.8001|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8434|    1.150
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[0c8] Avg|   49.96| 0.8359|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8715|    1.171
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[11a] Avg|   34.35| 1.6701|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.6981|    1.273
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[130] Avg|   50.00| 0.7902|    0.018
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8513|    0.980
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[139] Avg|   49.92| 0.7872|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8219|    0.795
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[156] Avg|   10.00| 0.1620|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1729|    0.919
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[160] Avg|   50.04| 0.7977|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8232|    1.495
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[165] Avg|   49.85| 0.7976|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8486|    1.015
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[167] Avg|   34.39| 1.6025|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.6888|    1.354
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[171] Avg|   50.00| 0.8150|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8488|    1.091
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[178] Avg|   10.00| 0.1614|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1702|    0.903
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[179] Avg|   10.00| 0.1630|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1663|    1.336
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[180] Avg|   50.00| 0.8137|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8605|    1.566
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[185] Avg|   50.04| 0.8033|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8393|    1.126
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1a0] Avg|   49.92| 0.7748|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8169|    1.184
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1e0] Avg|   49.92| 0.7738|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8028|    1.049
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1e4] Avg|   49.89| 0.9692|    0.018
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.0096|    1.332
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1f0] Avg|   33.22| 0.5544|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5855|    0.848
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[200] Avg|   49.92| 0.7879|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8345|    1.206
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[202] Avg|   34.28| 1.7075|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.7874|    1.218
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[204] Avg|   34.35| 1.5641|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.6427|    1.235
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[213] Avg|   49.89| 0.7814|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8232|    0.910
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[214] Avg|   49.92| 0.7736|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8216|    0.800
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[217] Avg|   34.31| 1.6294|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.7165|    1.153
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[218] Avg|   49.86| 0.7877|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8290|    1.068
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[230] Avg|   50.00| 0.7596|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.7660|    1.021
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[240] Avg|   10.00| 0.1669|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1835|    0.887
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[242] Avg|   24.96| 0.4764|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4963|    1.501
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24a] Avg|    9.89| 0.1789|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2009|    0.874
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24b] Avg|    9.89| 0.1702|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1870|    1.195
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24c] Avg|    9.89| 0.2146|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2187|    1.242
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25a] Avg|   10.00| 0.1603|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1667|    0.720
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25b] Avg|   49.94| 0.7918|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8454|    1.666
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25c] Avg|   34.24| 1.5331|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.5997|    1.538
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[260] Avg|   10.00| 0.1626|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1682|    0.718
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[270] Avg|   49.90| 0.8120|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8460|    1.671
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[280] Avg|   49.92| 0.7777|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8447|    1.157
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2e4] Avg|   19.89| 0.5778|    0.032
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.6648|    2.226
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ec] Avg|   10.00| 0.1701|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1755|    0.928
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ed] Avg|   10.00| 0.1650|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1747|    0.917
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ee] Avg|    9.98| 0.1544|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1588|    1.312
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[312] Avg|   10.00| 0.1648|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1690|    0.922
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[326] Avg|    9.89| 0.1603|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1833|    1.230
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[336] Avg|    1.00| 0.0146|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0150|    0.349
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[352] Avg|    6.66| 0.1223|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1338|    1.015
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[355] Avg|    2.00| 0.0424|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0431|    0.786
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[35e] Avg|    9.96| 0.1570|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1644|    0.579
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[365] Avg|   10.00| 0.1600|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1653|    0.961
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[366] Avg|   10.00| 0.1716|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1890|    0.987
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[367] Avg|    9.93| 0.1793|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1864|    0.984
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[368] Avg|   10.00| 0.1645|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1778|    0.768
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[369] Avg|   10.00| 0.1562|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1606|    0.724
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[380] Avg|   10.00| 0.1619|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1644|    0.605
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[38b] Avg|   25.00| 0.3991|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4280|    1.448
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[3b3] Avg|   10.00| 0.1537|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1610|    0.380
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[400] Avg|    4.00| 0.0626|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0626|    0.251
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[405] Avg|    3.90| 0.1019|    0.028
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1019|    0.781
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[40a] Avg|    7.90| 0.1256|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1256|    0.991
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[410] Avg|   10.00| 0.1643|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1839|    1.634
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[411] Avg|   10.00| 0.1532|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1645|    0.824
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[416] Avg|   10.00| 0.1516|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1582|    0.807
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[421] Avg|   10.00| 0.1648|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1740|    0.839
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[42d] Avg|   10.00| 0.1548|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1658|    0.741
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[42f] Avg|   10.00| 0.1527|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1578|    0.667
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[430] Avg|   10.00| 0.1730|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1880|    1.209
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[434] Avg|   10.00| 0.1620|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1712|    1.140
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[435] Avg|    6.66| 0.1104|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1121|    1.011
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[43e] Avg|   20.00| 0.3194|    0.013
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3434|    1.212
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[440] Avg|    1.00| 0.0160|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0175|    0.315
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[465] Avg|    1.00| 0.0172|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0194|    0.404
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[466] Avg|    1.00| 0.0198|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0252|    0.890
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[467] Avg|    1.00| 0.0152|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0160|    0.217
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[472] Avg|    0.70| 0.0533|    0.075
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0546|    0.990
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[473] Avg|    0.65| 0.0325|    0.051
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0361|    0.774
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[474] Avg|    1.00| 0.0146|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0151|    0.189
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[475] Avg|    2.00| 0.0332|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0362|    0.513
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[476] Avg|    2.00| 0.0305|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0307|    0.249
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[477] Avg|    2.00| 0.0309|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0311|    0.438
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[595] Avg|    1.00| 0.0151|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0160|    0.230
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[59e] Avg|    1.00| 0.0179|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0209|    0.716
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[5a2] Avg|    1.00| 0.0154|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0184|    0.699
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[5ba] Avg|    1.00| 0.0159|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0174|    0.485
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[010] Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.146
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[020] Avg|   31.10| 0.5159|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5730|    0.992
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[030] Avg|   20.70| 0.3506|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3956|    1.055
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[03a] Avg|   18.65| 0.3157|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3292|    0.702
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[040] Avg|   18.60| 0.3111|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3474|    0.953
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[060] Avg|   18.60| 0.3182|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3569|    0.694
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[070] Avg|   15.55| 0.4581|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.6859|   39.212
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[080] Avg|   15.50| 0.5041|    0.029
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5414|    1.555
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[083] Avg|   18.70| 0.3083|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3325|    0.557
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[090] Avg|   23.40| 0.3961|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4445|    1.218
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[0a0] Avg|   15.55| 0.2734|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3144|    1.062
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[100] Avg|   15.50| 0.2645|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2875|    1.021
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[108] Avg|   23.40| 0.4231|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4680|    1.297
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[110] Avg|   15.55| 0.2467|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2684|    0.475
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[130] Avg|   13.30| 0.2231|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2447|    0.512
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[150] Avg|   15.50| 0.2533|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2836|    0.823
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[160] Avg|    4.70| 0.0784|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0863|    0.608
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[180] Avg|   15.55| 0.2713|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2841|    0.884
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[190] Avg|   15.50| 0.2596|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2825|    0.743
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a0] Avg|    0.95| 0.0164|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0164|    0.346
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a4] Avg|   18.65| 0.3232|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3515|    0.989
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a8] Avg|   11.60| 0.1911|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2012|    0.757
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b0] Avg|    9.35| 0.1558|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1641|    0.795
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b4] Avg|    9.35| 0.1543|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1617|    1.217
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b8] Avg|   11.65| 0.2003|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2236|    1.549
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1c0] Avg|    9.40| 0.1532|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1673|    0.955
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1e0] Avg|    9.30| 0.1582|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1708|    0.661
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[215] Avg|    7.80| 0.1409|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1531|    0.660
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[217] Avg|    7.80| 0.1239|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1333|    0.520
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[220] Avg|    6.20| 0.1041|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1094|    0.652
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[225] Avg|   23.40| 0.4648|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4696|    4.288
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[230] Avg|    6.20| 0.3120|    0.048
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3377|    1.065
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[240] Avg|    7.70| 0.1248|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1364|    0.635
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[241] Avg|   18.60| 0.3258|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3343|    1.288
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[250] Avg|    4.70| 0.0761|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0809|    0.322
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[255] Avg|   11.75| 0.2058|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2283|    0.937
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[265] Avg|   11.65| 0.1964|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2068|    0.965
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[270] Avg|    4.70| 0.0808|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0949|    0.729
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[290] Avg|    3.15| 0.0498|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0504|    0.449
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[295] Avg|    6.25| 0.1019|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1094|    0.859
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2a0] Avg|    3.15| 0.0550|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0551|    0.779
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2a7] Avg|   11.65| 0.1929|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2080|    0.775
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2b0] Avg|    3.00| 0.0497|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0562|    0.528
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2c0] Avg|    3.10| 0.0534|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0592|    0.501
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2e0] Avg|    1.55| 0.0247|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0289|    0.319
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2f0] Avg|    1.55| 0.0244|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0273|    0.192
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2f5] Avg|   11.65| 0.2078|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2333|    0.879
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[300] Avg|    1.60| 0.0266|    0.018
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0278|    0.724
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[310] Avg|    1.55| 0.0276|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0285|    0.759
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[320] Avg|    1.60| 0.0240|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0258|    0.179
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[326] Avg|    9.30| 0.1550|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1582|    0.850
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[330] Avg|   29.95| 0.5311|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5565|    4.522
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[340] Avg|    7.75| 0.1693|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1868|    1.148
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[345] Avg|    1.60| 0.0292|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0316|    0.471
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[350] Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.188
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[35e] Avg|    4.70| 0.0851|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0911|    1.023
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[360] Avg|    1.60| 0.0258|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0284|    0.306
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[361] Avg|    7.75| 0.1341|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1487|    0.761
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[363] Avg|    1.20| 0.0203|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0220|    0.421
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[370] Avg|    0.85| 0.0140|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0162|    0.354
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[381] Avg|    3.15| 0.0512|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0546|    0.416
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3a0] Avg|   15.60| 0.2548|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2890|    0.976
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3d0] Avg|    9.35| 0.1553|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1612|    1.115
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3d5] Avg|    5.15| 0.0836|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0867|    0.479
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3e0] Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.142
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[400] Avg|    3.55| 0.0613|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0695|    0.501
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[405] Avg|    3.50| 0.0584|    0.018
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0626|    0.686
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[40a] Avg|    7.10| 0.1278|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1389|    1.244
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[415] Avg|    1.60| 0.0258|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0287|    0.266
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[435] Avg|    0.85| 0.0165|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0167|    0.367
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[440] Avg|    0.85| 0.0128|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0141|    0.885
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[465] Avg|    0.95| 0.0177|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0195|    0.721
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[466] Avg|    0.95| 0.0147|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0160|    0.184
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[467] Avg|    0.95| 0.0172|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0188|    0.391
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[501] Avg|    1.45| 0.0273|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0327|    0.996
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[503] Avg|    1.45| 0.0288|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0338|    0.970
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[504] Avg|    1.40| 0.0241|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0263|    0.609
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[505] Avg|    1.40| 0.0255|    0.015
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0296|    0.866
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[508] Avg|    1.35| 0.0237|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0237|    0.384
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[511] Avg|    1.35| 0.0226|    0.016
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0228|    0.426
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[51e] Avg|    1.40| 0.0221|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0245|    0.211
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[581] Avg|    0.80| 0.0189|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0290|    1.217
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[606] Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.142
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[657] Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.014
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.137
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             Cmd:State   Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.002
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.024
>>>             ===============+========+========+=========
>>>                   Total Avg| 2748.42| 58.3344|   28.718
>>>>             @Simon: it would be an option to try commenting out the
>>>>             overflow counting, to see if that's causing the issue.
>>>             I have commented out the line with the Atomic_Increment
>>>             statement. Now I no longer receive any messages with “RX
>>>             Task Queue Overflow Run”
>>>             Here is the output of poller times status:
>>>             OVMS# poll time status
>>>             Poller timing is: on
>>>             Type           | count  | Utlztn | Time
>>>                            | per s  | [%]    | [ms]
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             Poll:PRI    Avg|    1.00| 0.0045|    0.004
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0046|    0.064
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[010] Avg|   34.26| 2.2574|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.2574|    4.609
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[030] Avg|   34.26| 2.3820|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.3820|    1.135
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[041] Avg|   49.89| 1.2059|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2295|    5.331
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[049] Avg|   49.96| 1.2400|    0.030
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2699|    1.402
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[04c] Avg|   49.92| 1.1752|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2072|    4.502
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[04d] Avg|   34.31| 2.4433|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.4773|    1.368
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[076] Avg|   49.96| 1.2071|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2554|    2.007
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[077] Avg|   49.96| 1.2012|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2492|    1.955
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[07a] Avg|   34.35| 2.9251|    0.030
>>>                        Peak|        | 3.1103|    1.829
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[07d] Avg|   49.96| 1.1954|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2282|    1.074
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[0c8] Avg|   49.89| 1.2491|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.3169|    1.181
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[11a] Avg|   34.39| 2.4423|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.5693|    1.491
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[130] Avg|   49.95| 1.1312|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1684|    1.218
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[139] Avg|   49.92| 1.1547|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1778|    1.199
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[156] Avg|    9.96| 0.2391|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2591|    1.943
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[160] Avg|   49.96| 1.1657|    0.031
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2017|    2.158
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[165] Avg|   49.96| 1.1257|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1652|    1.471
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[167] Avg|   34.31| 2.2871|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.3374|    1.776
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[171] Avg|   49.96| 1.1879|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2268|    1.166
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[178] Avg|   10.00| 0.2371|    0.029
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2459|    1.516
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[179] Avg|   10.00| 0.2196|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2260|    0.758
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[180] Avg|   49.96| 1.1703|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2103|    1.481
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[185] Avg|   49.95| 1.1127|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1636|    1.292
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1a0] Avg|   49.96| 1.1009|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1468|    1.060
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1e0] Avg|   49.96| 1.1744|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2027|    1.240
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1e4] Avg|   49.96| 1.3733|    0.032
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.4085|    1.523
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[1f0] Avg|   33.30| 0.7625|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8004|    3.349
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[200] Avg|   49.92| 1.1462|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1809|    1.254
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[202] Avg|   34.39| 2.4034|    0.028
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.5611|    1.472
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[204] Avg|   34.30| 2.2541|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.2924|    2.015
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[213] Avg|   49.96| 1.1599|    0.027
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1794|    1.714
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[214] Avg|   49.96| 1.1537|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1941|    1.439
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[217] Avg|   34.39| 2.2490|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.2856|    3.766
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[218] Avg|   49.96| 1.1291|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1646|    1.547
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[230] Avg|   49.96| 1.1272|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2237|    1.295
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[240] Avg|   10.00| 0.2191|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2226|    1.067
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[242] Avg|   24.96| 0.6911|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.7161|    1.180
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24a] Avg|    9.96| 0.2345|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2535|    0.779
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24b] Avg|    9.96| 0.2433|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2697|    2.085
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[24c] Avg|    9.96| 0.3103|    0.029
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3203|    0.809
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25a] Avg|   10.00| 0.2346|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2405|    1.223
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25b] Avg|   49.89| 1.2121|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.3659|   19.523
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[25c] Avg|   34.31| 2.4193|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 2.8022|   58.153
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[260] Avg|    9.93| 0.2149|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2174|    1.096
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[270] Avg|   49.96| 1.2042|    0.026
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.2755|   20.612
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[280] Avg|   49.96| 1.0922|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 1.1312|    1.266
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2e4] Avg|   19.96| 0.6942|    0.044
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.8604|    1.533
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ec] Avg|   10.00| 0.3727|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5154|   28.819
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ed] Avg|   10.00| 0.2298|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2378|    1.345
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[2ee] Avg|    9.96| 0.2172|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2210|    1.058
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[312] Avg|   10.00| 0.2206|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2396|    1.060
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[326] Avg|    9.96| 0.2099|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2158|    0.507
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[336] Avg|    1.00| 0.0212|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0233|    0.315
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[352] Avg|    6.64| 0.1675|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1818|    1.048
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[355] Avg|    2.00| 0.0540|    0.027
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0619|    1.209
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[35e] Avg|    9.98| 0.2221|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2284|    1.186
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[365] Avg|   10.00| 0.2282|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2335|    0.769
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[366] Avg|   10.00| 0.3163|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.6330|   23.587
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[367] Avg|   10.00| 0.2417|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2568|    1.417
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[368] Avg|    9.96| 0.2187|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2250|    1.135
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[369] Avg|    9.99| 0.2277|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2334|    0.667
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[380] Avg|    9.96| 0.2133|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2161|    0.560
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[38b] Avg|   24.92| 0.5622|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5716|    1.618
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[3b3] Avg|   10.00| 0.2132|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2194|    1.106
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[400] Avg|    4.00| 0.0885|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0885|    0.570
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[405] Avg|    3.70| 0.1414|    0.036
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1414|    0.710
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[40a] Avg|    8.00| 0.1887|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1887|    1.027
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[410] Avg|   10.00| 0.2141|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2188|    0.984
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[411] Avg|   10.00| 0.2325|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2447|    0.660
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[416] Avg|   10.00| 0.2326|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2389|    0.774
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[421] Avg|   10.00| 0.2245|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2271|    1.160
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[42d] Avg|   10.00| 0.2315|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2411|    0.677
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[42f] Avg|   10.00| 0.2480|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2975|    8.093
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[430] Avg|   10.00| 0.2203|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2302|    0.847
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[434] Avg|   10.00| 0.2331|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2620|    1.150
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[435] Avg|    6.68| 0.1445|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1486|    1.063
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[43e] Avg|   20.00| 0.4515|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4632|    1.013
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[440] Avg|    1.00| 0.0210|    0.019
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0218|    0.294
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[465] Avg|    0.95| 0.0214|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0215|    0.587
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[466] Avg|    0.95| 0.0211|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0215|    0.350
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[467] Avg|    0.95| 0.0191|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0201|    0.444
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[472] Avg|    0.68| 0.0588|    0.085
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0606|    1.170
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[473] Avg|    0.66| 0.0407|    0.062
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0492|    1.329
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[474] Avg|    1.00| 0.0218|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0237|    0.278
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[475] Avg|    1.96| 0.0466|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0570|    1.112
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[476] Avg|    2.00| 0.0454|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0497|    0.409
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[477] Avg|    2.00| 0.0497|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0595|    0.864
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[595] Avg|    1.00| 0.0223|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0241|    0.296
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[59e] Avg|    1.00| 0.0233|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0289|    0.713
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[5a2] Avg|    1.00| 0.0200|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0204|    0.264
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan1[5ba] Avg|    1.00| 0.0206|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0238|    0.515
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[020] Avg|   33.30| 0.7938|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.7938|    4.793
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[030] Avg|   22.20| 0.5229|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5229|    0.985
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[03a] Avg|   19.90| 0.4700|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4700|    0.804
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[040] Avg|   19.90| 0.4678|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4678|    1.222
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[060] Avg|   20.00| 0.6480|    0.050
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.6480|   20.997
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[070] Avg|   16.60| 0.3944|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3944|    1.053
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[080] Avg|   16.70| 0.7032|    0.041
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.7032|    1.611
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[083] Avg|   20.10| 0.4329|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4329|    0.520
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[090] Avg|   24.90| 0.5674|    0.017
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5674|    1.149
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[0a0] Avg|   16.60| 0.3836|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3836|    0.933
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[100] Avg|   16.50| 0.3661|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3661|    0.740
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[108] Avg|   24.90| 0.5923|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.5923|    0.859
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[110] Avg|   16.70| 0.3906|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3906|    0.697
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[130] Avg|   14.40| 0.3341|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3341|    0.829
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[150] Avg|   16.50| 0.4025|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4025|    1.120
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[160] Avg|    4.90| 0.1252|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1252|    0.502
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[180] Avg|   16.60| 0.3899|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3899|    0.799
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[190] Avg|   16.60| 0.3892|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3892|    1.172
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a0] Avg|    1.00| 0.0281|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0281|    0.695
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a4] Avg|   20.00| 0.4525|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4525|    1.231
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1a8] Avg|   12.50| 0.2886|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2886|    1.048
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b0] Avg|   10.00| 0.2300|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2300|    0.579
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b4] Avg|   10.00| 0.2334|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2334|    0.947
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1b8] Avg|   12.40| 0.2970|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2970|    0.909
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1c0] Avg|   10.00| 0.2257|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2257|    0.983
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[1e0] Avg|   10.00| 0.2141|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2141|    0.556
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[215] Avg|    8.30| 0.2047|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2047|    0.786
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[217] Avg|    8.30| 0.2033|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2033|    1.135
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[220] Avg|    6.70| 0.1647|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1647|    0.961
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[225] Avg|   24.90| 0.6136|    0.026
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.6136|    1.018
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[230] Avg|    6.70| 0.4045|    0.057
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4045|    1.532
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[240] Avg|    8.20| 0.1849|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1849|    0.510
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[241] Avg|   20.00| 0.4312|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.4312|    5.110
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[250] Avg|    5.00| 0.1072|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1072|    0.320
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[255] Avg|   12.50| 0.3091|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3091|    0.904
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[265] Avg|   12.50| 0.2819|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2819|    1.035
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[270] Avg|    5.00| 0.1189|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1189|    0.631
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[290] Avg|    3.30| 0.0740|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0740|    0.455
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[295] Avg|    6.60| 0.1431|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1431|    0.504
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2a0] Avg|    3.30| 0.0686|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0686|    0.445
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2a7] Avg|   12.50| 0.2869|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2869|    0.660
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2b0] Avg|    3.20| 0.0707|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0707|    0.331
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2c0] Avg|    3.20| 0.0988|    0.026
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0988|    0.932
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2e0] Avg|    1.60| 0.0388|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0388|    0.393
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2f0] Avg|    1.70| 0.0376|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0376|    0.282
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[2f5] Avg|   12.50| 0.2833|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2833|    0.855
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[300] Avg|    1.70| 0.0398|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0398|    0.488
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[310] Avg|    1.60| 0.0480|    0.026
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0480|    0.937
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[320] Avg|    1.70| 0.0346|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0346|    0.370
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[326] Avg|    9.90| 0.2200|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2200|    0.502
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[330] Avg|   32.30| 0.7323|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.7323|    1.130
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[340] Avg|    8.20| 0.2375|    0.028
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2375|    0.578
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[345] Avg|    1.60| 0.0393|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0393|    0.590
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[35e] Avg|    5.00| 0.1303|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1303|    0.943
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[360] Avg|    1.70| 0.0381|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0381|    0.922
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[361] Avg|    8.20| 0.1907|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1907|    1.119
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[363] Avg|    1.30| 0.0337|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0337|    0.425
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[370] Avg|    0.90| 0.0194|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0194|    0.246
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[381] Avg|    3.20| 0.0684|    0.024
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0684|    0.828
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3a0] Avg|   16.60| 0.3734|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.3734|    0.636
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3d0] Avg|   10.00| 0.2262|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.2262|    0.663
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[3d5] Avg|    5.60| 0.1335|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1335|    1.222
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[400] Avg|    4.00| 0.0949|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0949|    0.715
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[405] Avg|    3.70| 0.0861|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0861|    0.443
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[40a] Avg|    8.00| 0.1853|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.1853|    0.552
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[415] Avg|    1.60| 0.0341|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0341|    0.273
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[435] Avg|    0.90| 0.0220|    0.025
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0220|    0.354
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[440] Avg|    0.90| 0.0199|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0199|    0.266
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[465] Avg|    0.90| 0.0234|    0.028
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0234|    0.633
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[466] Avg|    1.00| 0.0222|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0222|    0.322
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[467] Avg|    1.00| 0.0221|    0.020
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0221|    0.355
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[501] Avg|    1.50| 0.0335|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0335|    0.393
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[503] Avg|    1.50| 0.0370|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0370|    0.546
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[504] Avg|    1.40| 0.0328|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0328|    0.489
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[505] Avg|    1.40| 0.0290|    0.021
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0290|    0.354
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[508] Avg|    1.40| 0.0318|    0.023
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0318|    0.408
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[511] Avg|    1.40| 0.0306|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0306|    0.328
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[51e] Avg|    1.40| 0.0310|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0310|    0.269
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             RxCan2[581] Avg|    1.00| 0.0222|    0.022
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0222|    0.256
>>>             ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>>             Cmd:State   Avg|    0.00| 0.0000|    0.002
>>>                        Peak|        | 0.0000|    0.024
>>>             ===============+========+========+=========
>>>                   Total Avg| 2795.57| 82.7745|   40.174
>>>             Cheers,
>>>             Simon
>>>             Am 17.01.2025 um 17:49 schrieb Michael Balzer via OvmsDev:
>>>>             OK, I've got a new idea: CAN timing.
>>>>             Comparing our esp32can bit timing to the esp-idf
>>>>             driver's, there seem to be some differences:
>>>>             https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/master/components/hal/include/hal/twai_types_deprecated.h#L75
>>>>             Transceivers are normally tolerant to small timing
>>>>             offsets. Maybe being off a little bit has no effect
>>>>             under normal conditions, but it has when the
>>>>             transceiver has to cope with a filled RX queue. That
>>>>             could be causing the transceiver to slide just out of
>>>>             sync. If the timing gets garbled, the transceiver would
>>>>             signal errors in the packets to the bus, possibly so
>>>>             many the vehicle ECUs decide to raise an error condition.
>>>>             Is that plausible?
>>>>             On why the new poller could be causing this (in
>>>>             combination with too slow processing by the vehicle):
>>>>             as mentioned, the standard CAN listener mechanism
>>>>             doesn't care about queue overflows. The poller does.
>>>>             `OvmsPollers::Queue_PollerFrame()` does a log call when
>>>>             Tx/Rx tracing is enabled, that could even block, but
>>>>             tracing is optional and only meant for debugging. Not
>>>>             optional is the overflow counting using an atomic uint32.
>>>>             The atomic types are said to be fast, but I never
>>>>             checked their actual implementation on the ESP32. Maybe
>>>>             they can block as well?
>>>>             @Simon: it would be an option to try commenting out the
>>>>             overflow counting, to see if that's causing the issue.
>>>>             Regards,
>>>>             Michael
>>>>             Am 17.01.25 um 15:37 schrieb Chris Box via OvmsDev:
>>>>>             Yes, I can confirm I've had one experience of the Leaf
>>>>>             switching to Neutral while driving, with a yellow
>>>>>             warning symbol on the dash. It refused to reselect
>>>>>             Drive until I had switched the car off and back on.
>>>>>             Derek wasn't so lucky and he need to clear fault codes
>>>>>             before the car would work.
>>>>>             On returning home, I found OVMS was not accessible
>>>>>             over a network. I didn't try a USB cable. Unplugging
>>>>>             and reinserting the OBD cable caused OVMS to rejoin
>>>>>             Wi-Fi. However the SD logs showed nothing from the
>>>>>             time of the event. CAN writes are enabled, so it can
>>>>>             perform SOC limiting.
>>>>>             My car has been using this firmware since 21st
>>>>>             November, based on the git master of that day. As a
>>>>>             relatively new user of OVMS (only since October) I
>>>>>             don't have much experience of older firmware.
>>>>>             Perhaps a safeguard should be implemented before
>>>>>             releasing a new stable firmware that will be
>>>>>             automatically downloaded by Leaf owners. But I don't
>>>>>             have the expertise to know what that safeguard should
>>>>>             be. Derek's suggestion of 'only CAN write when parked'
>>>>>             appears to be a good idea.
>>>>>             Chris
>>>>>             On 2025-01-15 18:18, Derek Caudwell via OvmsDev wrote:
>>>>>>             Since the following email I have high confidence the
>>>>>>             issue on the Leaf is related/caused by the poller as
>>>>>>             there has been no further occurrence and Chris has
>>>>>>             also experienced the car going to neutral on the new
>>>>>>             poller firmware.
>>>>>>             ....
>>>>>>             I haven't ruled out it being a fault with my car yet.
>>>>>>             Shortly after it faulted the car was run into so has
>>>>>>             been off the road for sometime, my first step was to
>>>>>>             replace 12V battery. The ovms unit is now unplugged
>>>>>>             and if it does not fault over the next month while
>>>>>>             driving I'll be reasonably confident
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Michael Balzer * Am Rahmen 5 * D-58313 Herdecke
Fon 02330 9104094 * Handy 0176 20698926

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