[Ovmsdev] OVMS Poller module/singleton
Michael Geddes
frog at bunyip.wheelycreek.net
Fri Jan 17 21:51:48 HKT 2025
Yep, pretty much
Inline below.
Also I wonder if something is causing the module to sleep or reboot and the
wakeup is sending that bus wakeup Frame Michael B was talking about.
On Fri, 17 Jan 2025, 18:09 Michael Balzer via OvmsDev, <
ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
> Simon,
> AFAIK "Pollers[Send]" is the regular "next round" request for the polling
> task, not a frame transmission.
Yep exactly.
> A TX attempt in listen mode would produce a warn level log entry "Cannot
> write <busname> when not in ACTIVE mode" for tag "esp32can" or "mcp2515".
> With the old poller, you wouldn't have had any indication of a queue
> overflow, so the new poller may help you to identify an issue in your code.
> You need to understand the new poller not only does polls, it's now the
> main CAN receiver for the vehicle module. That's why your poller time stats
> include all process data frames as well, not only protocol frames.
> The overflow means either your CAN processing is too slow to keep up with
> the packets received, or some other task is hogging the CPU. That would
> need to be a task with an equal or higher priority as the vehicle task,
> which has priority level 10 -- only system & networking tasks are above, so
> that's not likely. (You can check the CPU usage with the "module tasks"
> command.)
I wonder whether some kind of filter before queueing the Frame might work.
It would have to be quick and simple as it would be executing in the CAN
task I think.
> That means you should check your standard frame processing
> (`IncomingFrameCanX` callbacks) for potential delays and processing
> complexity issues.
> The poller statistics can help you track this down, but you need to have
> at least 10 seconds of statistics, the more the better. Rule of thumb: PRI
> average at 0.0/second means you don't have enough data yet. (-- //.ichael,
> correct me if I'm wrong)
It's either that or we are rounding badly. I can check.
> At the same time, calling poller times on, poller times status causes the
> bus to crash
> In any case that still doesn't explain how the poller could possibly cause
> a CAN bus (!) crash without actually doing any transmissions.
> How does the CAN bus crash manifest?
> Regards,
> Michael
> Am 15.01.25 um 19:54 schrieb Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev:
> I put the two buses back into listen mode and drove a short distance and
> charged the car. As I said, there is no active polling in my code. As
> expected, there is therefore no indication of a failed TX attempt in the
> console log.
> I only continue to see a lot of RX Task Queue Overflow messages in the
> log, which I did not have before.
> I also see a Pollers[Send]: Task Queue Overflow entry, but since I don't
> see any indication of “cannot write” on that, I'm not assuming that's a
> “real” send.
> I (19760210) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 5
> I (19764420) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764420) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19764420) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764740) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764740) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764740) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764740) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764740) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764750) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
> I (19764750) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764750) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
> I (19764870) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19764870) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
> I (19765270) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 4
> I (19765270) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 6
> I (19765610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19765930) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19765930) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19765930) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766260) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 50
> I (19766260) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 48
> I (19766260) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 27
> I (19766270) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 6
> I (19766270) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 4
> E (19766280) can: can2: intr=4754831 rxpkt=4757493 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x22401c02 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> E (19766300) can: can2: intr=4754831 rxpkt=4757494 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23401c01 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766300) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 7
> I (19766340) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 39
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 32
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 17
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Pollers[Send]: Task Queue Overflow
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766350) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> E (19766360) can: can2: intr=4754840 rxpkt=4757509 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x22401c02 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766370) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 4
> E (19766370) can: can2: intr=4754840 rxpkt=4757510 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23401c01 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 30
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 36
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 26
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 4
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
> I (19766430) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> E (19766450) can: can2: intr=4754855 rxpkt=4757535 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23001001 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> E (19766460) can: can2: intr=4754855 rxpkt=4757536 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23401c01 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> E (19766520) can: can2: intr=4754855 rxpkt=4757539 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x22001002 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 9
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 37
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 30
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 6
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766520) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> I (19766530) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766530) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> I (19766530) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
> E (19766540) can: can2: intr=4754861 rxpkt=4757548 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23401c01 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766550) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
> E (19766560) can: can2: intr=4754861 rxpkt=4757552 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23001001 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> E (19766610) can: can2: intr=4754861 rxpkt=4757553 txpkt=0
> errflags=0x23401c01 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxinval=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
> txfail=0 wdgreset=1 errreset=0
> I (19766610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 4
> I (19766610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 5
> I (19766610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 33
> I (19766610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 34
> I (19766610) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 12
> W (19767070) websocket: WebSocketHandler[0x3f8d79d8]: job queue overflow
> detected
> W (19767140) websocket: WebSocketHandler[0x3f8d79d8]: job queue overflow
> detected
> W (19767180) websocket: WebSocketHandler[0x3f8d79d8]: job queue overflow
> resolved, 1 drops
> W (19767260) websocket: WebSocketHandler[0x3f8d79d8]: job queue overflow
> detected
> W (19767310) websocket: WebSocketHandler[0x3f8d79d8]: job queue overflow
> resolved, 1 drops
> Cheers
> Simon
> Am 15.01.2025 um 19:18 schrieb Derek Caudwell via OvmsDev:
> Since the following email I have high confidence the issue on the Leaf is
> related/caused by the poller as there has been no further occurrence and
> Chris has also experienced the car going to neutral on the new poller
> firmware.
> ....
> I haven't ruled out it being a fault with my car yet. Shortly after it
> faulted the car was run into so has been off the road for sometime, my
> first step was to replace 12V battery. The ovms unit is now unplugged and
> if it does not fault over the next month while driving I'll be reasonably
> confident it's ovms related.
> Not sure which firmware version the poller updates were included in but it
> was only after upgrading to it that the errors occurred (which could be
> coincidental however it has faulted twice more both on version
> 3.3.004-141-gf729d82c). For periods where I reverted to 3.3.003 it was fine.
> It might be useful to have an extra option on the enable can write to only
> enable it when the car is parked/charging.
> On Wed, 15 Jan 2025, 11:11 pm Michael Balzer via OvmsDev, <
> ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
>> Derek, can you comment on this? Do you still have the issue mentioned?
>> Speaking of the Leaf, the code there actually does something fishy in
>> `CommandWakeup()`:
>> unsigned char data = 0;
>> …
>> m_can1->WriteStandard(0x5C0, *8*, &data); //Wakes up the VCM (by
>> spoofing empty battery request heating)
>> And there are CAN transmissions from command execution in the Leaf code,
>> so to be sure there is no TX, listen mode is needed there as well.
>> Regarding CAN trace, you can try with the monitor channel and use the USB
>> console to record the log output. That way you should be able to at least
>> rule out there are regular transmissions -- assuming not every TX will
>> cause an immediate crash.
>> Another / probably better option: when in listen mode, the log will also
>> tell you about TX attempts, as the driver will issue a warning on each.
>> The CAN monitor log may also tell you about bus errors detected.
>> Regards,
>> Michael
>> Am 15.01.25 um 10:44 schrieb Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev:
>> There is at least one more Leaf from Derek that has also ended up in limp
>> mode since the new poller.
>> There, too, no polling was actually carried out while driving.
>> I'm not familiar with the framework at all, but does this perhaps offer
>> you enough of an approach to recognize a commonality?
>> Unfortunately I do not have a tool to create a CAN trace.
>> I can't use the OVMS for this, as it no longer responds after a bus crash
>> until I have disconnected it from the OBD and plugged it back in.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> Am 15.01.2025 um 10:18 schrieb Michael Balzer via OvmsDev:
>> The frame acknowledging is done automatically by the CAN transceiver when
>> in active mode, this is part of the CAN protocol to indicate bit errors to
>> the sender.
>> So normally a failure of the system to process received frames fast
>> enough cannot cause any issue on the bus. But the ESP32 has a range of
>> known hardware issues, especially in the embedded CAN transceiver, I
>> wouldn't be surprised if there are more, or if our driver lacks some
>> workaround for these.
>> Maybe the new poller has some bug that causes false transmissions from
>> process data frames received. But many vehicles send process data frames,
>> and we've had no issue reports like this on any of them, and ECUs also
>> normally simply ignore out of sequence protocol frames.
>> You could record a CAN trace to see if there are transmissions, and what
>> kind. If you don't poll and don't send frames from your code, there should
>> be none. If the bus still crashes, that would be an indicator for something
>> going wrong in the transceiver.
>> Regards,
>> Michael
>> Am 15.01.25 um 07:15 schrieb Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev:
>> Thanks Mark for the explanation.
>> So does this mean that OVMS tries to acknowledge all incoming messages in
>> active mode?
>> This seems to me to clearly exceed the capacity of OVMS with the mass of
>> incoming messages.
>> In fact, I am currently opening the bus in active mode, as I was hoping
>> to get my code to revive the BMS in OVMS to work.
>> However, unlike the other data, I only get the cell voltages when I
>> actively poll them.
>> To be on the safe side, I will now open the bus in read mode again.
>> However, I am still wondering what in the poller change has altered the
>> OVMS in such a way that the bus is now crashing completely.
>> Currently I have undone the changes since february 2024, this only
>> concerns code from the public repository, there was no change from me in
>> that period.
>> Now the OVMS is running stable again and there are neither queue
>> overflows nor bus crashes.
>> I had also previously increased the following queue sizes, but
>> unfortunately this was not successful:
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> Am 15.01.2025 um 02:08 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>> Note sure if this helps, but some comments:
>> - Remember than CAN protocol in normal mode is an ‘active’ protocol.
>> Nodes on the bus are actively acknowledging messages (and that includes
>> OVMS), even if they never write messages. So in normal mode there is no
>> absolute ‘read access’. For example, opening the CAN port at the wrong baud
>> rate, even if not writing messages, will mess up the bus.
>> - However, if you open the CAN port in ‘listen’ mode, then it is
>> truly read-only. In that mode it will not acknowledge messages, and cannot
>> write on the bus at all. I’ve never seen an OVMS mess up a bus in listen
>> mode, even if the baud rate is wrong. I think the only way for that to
>> happen would be a hardware layer issue (cabling, termination, etc).
>> Regards, Mark.
>> On 15 Jan 2025, at 6:30 AM, Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev
>> <ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> <ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
>> But what is the reason that a read access to the bus can cause the bus to
>> crash?
>> This is not critical during charging, it just aborts the charging process
>> with an error.
>> While driving, this results in a “stop safely now” error message on the
>> dashboard and the engine is switched off immediately.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> Am 14.01.2025 um 23:22 schrieb Michael Geddes via OvmsDev:
>> You may need to increase the queue size for the poll task queue.
>> The poller still handles the bus to vehicle notifications even if it is
>> off.
>> Any poller logging on such an intensive load of can messages is likely to
>> be a problem. This is part of the reason it is flagged off.
>> The total % looks wrong :/
>> //.ichael
>> On Wed, 15 Jan 2025, 03:17 Simon Ehlen via OvmsDev, <
>> ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I finally got around to merging my code with the current master
>>> (previous merge february 2024).
>>> I have rebuilt my code for a Ford Focus Electric so that it uses the new
>>> OvmsPoller class.
>>> However, I now see a lot of entries like this in my log:
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 8
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 3
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 2
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (246448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 24
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> I (254448) vehicle-poll: Poller[Frame]: RX Task Queue Overflow Run 1
>>> Was this message just hidden before or do I need to make further
>>> adjustments to my code?
>>> My code currently does not use active polling but reads on the busses
>>> (IncomingFrameCanX) on certain modules.
>>> When I look at poller times status, it looks very extensive to me...
>>> OVMS# poller times status
>>> Poller timing is: on
>>> Type | count | Utlztn | Time
>>> | per s | [%] | [ms]
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> Poll:PRI Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.003
>>> Peak| | 0.0014| 0.041
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[010] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.020
>>> Peak| | 1.2217| 1.089
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[030] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 1.2193| 1.241
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[041] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.6460| 1.508
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[049] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.6320| 0.630
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[04c] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.6430| 1.474
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[04d] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 1.2987| 1.359
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[076] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.072
>>> Peak| | 0.7818| 15.221
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[077] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6274| 0.955
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[07a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.039
>>> Peak| | 1.7602| 1.684
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[07d] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.6621| 1.913
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[0c8] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.6292| 1.412
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[11a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 1.2635| 1.508
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[130] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.6548| 0.703
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[139] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.6002| 0.984
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[156] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1225| 0.479
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[160] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.028
>>> Peak| | 0.6586| 1.376
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[165] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.6368| 1.132
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[167] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 1.3009| 1.067
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[171] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6590| 4.320
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[178] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1161| 0.311
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[179] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1236| 0.536
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[180] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6472| 1.193
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[185] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6777| 1.385
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[1a0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6486| 2.276
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[1e0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.6725| 1.376
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[1e4] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.7370| 1.266
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[1f0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.4253| 0.753
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[200] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.6262| 0.791
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[202] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 1.2915| 1.257
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[204] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 1.2620| 1.010
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[213] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6331| 1.185
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[214] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.9977| 34.527
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[217] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 1.2825| 1.328
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[218] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6328| 1.110
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[230] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.019
>>> Peak| | 0.6742| 5.119
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[240] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1163| 0.343
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[242] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.3501| 1.015
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[24a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1212| 0.338
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[24b] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1289| 0.330
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[24c] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.033
>>> Peak| | 0.1714| 1.189
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[25a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1289| 0.510
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[25b] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6685| 0.930
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[25c] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 1.3298| 2.670
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[260] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1271| 0.401
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[270] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.6439| 0.898
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[280] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.6502| 1.156
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[2e4] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.035
>>> Peak| | 0.3389| 0.811
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[2ec] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.1417| 0.784
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[2ed] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1364| 0.746
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[2ee] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1406| 0.965
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[312] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1293| 0.978
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[326] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1298| 0.518
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[336] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.028
>>> Peak| | 0.0106| 0.329
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[352] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.030
>>> Peak| | 0.1054| 0.800
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[355] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.0270| 0.546
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[35e] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1288| 0.573
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[365] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1297| 0.358
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[366] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.1429| 1.001
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[367] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.1472| 0.828
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[368] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1323| 0.931
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[369] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.1498| 1.072
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[380] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1285| 0.348
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[38b] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.3298| 1.168
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[3b3] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.1348| 0.920
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[400] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0481| 0.445
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[405] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.034
>>> Peak| | 0.0723| 0.473
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[40a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.1040| 0.543
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[410] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1339| 0.678
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[411] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.1376| 0.573
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[416] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1284| 0.346
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[421] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1323| 0.643
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[42d] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1362| 1.146
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[42f] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.1503| 1.762
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[430] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1352| 0.347
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[434] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1312| 0.580
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[435] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.029
>>> Peak| | 0.1109| 1.133
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[43e] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.2776| 0.686
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[440] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0118| 0.276
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[465] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0118| 0.279
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[466] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0123| 0.310
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[467] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0132| 0.314
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[472] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.101
>>> Peak| | 0.0307| 1.105
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[473] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.051
>>> Peak| | 0.0107| 0.575
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[474] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0097| 0.289
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[475] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0220| 0.327
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[476] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.050
>>> Peak| | 0.0762| 5.329
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[477] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.032
>>> Peak| | 0.0283| 0.669
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[595] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.0103| 0.297
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[59e] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0114| 0.263
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[5a2] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.0119| 0.505
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan1[5ba] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0139| 0.549
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[020] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.4923| 1.133
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[030] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.3297| 1.136
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[03a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.2792| 1.275
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[040] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.2834| 1.080
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[060] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.029
>>> Peak| | 0.3037| 0.991
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[070] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.2291| 0.460
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[080] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.043
>>> Peak| | 0.4015| 1.007
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[083] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.2957| 0.788
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[090] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.3951| 1.231
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[0a0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.2560| 0.722
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[100] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.046
>>> Peak| | 0.4506| 21.961
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[108] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.3713| 1.125
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[110] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.029
>>> Peak| | 0.2443| 0.755
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[130] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.2052| 1.097
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[150] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.2246| 0.371
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[160] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0755| 1.125
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[180] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.2350| 0.936
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[190] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.2275| 0.592
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1a0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0125| 0.273
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1a4] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.2806| 0.632
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1a8] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1683| 0.740
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1b0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1360| 0.490
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1b4] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.1556| 1.119
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1b8] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1704| 0.616
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1c0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1317| 0.488
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[1e0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.1460| 0.675
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[215] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1191| 0.567
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[217] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1167| 0.869
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[220] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0918| 0.313
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[225] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.3635| 1.018
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[230] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.057
>>> Peak| | 0.2192| 1.063
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[240] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1173| 0.760
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[241] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.2830| 1.144
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[250] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.0701| 0.698
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[255] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1755| 1.063
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[265] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.1771| 0.729
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[270] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0667| 0.307
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[290] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0410| 0.280
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[295] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0881| 0.299
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2a0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0420| 0.268
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2a7] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.1716| 0.454
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2b0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0424| 0.300
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2c0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0470| 0.298
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2e0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.030
>>> Peak| | 0.0324| 1.152
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2f0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0229| 0.359
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[2f5] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.026
>>> Peak| | 0.1882| 0.673
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[300] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0186| 0.263
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[310] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0210| 0.265
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[320] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0207| 0.354
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[326] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.1466| 0.686
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[330] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.4580| 0.708
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[340] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.031
>>> Peak| | 0.1621| 0.785
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[345] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.0199| 0.261
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[35e] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0686| 0.449
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[360] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0204| 0.289
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[361] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1166| 0.316
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[363] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0146| 0.304
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[370] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.024
>>> Peak| | 0.0099| 0.278
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[381] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0468| 0.459
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[3a0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.2339| 0.617
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[3d0] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1351| 0.351
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[3d5] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0796| 0.692
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[400] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0537| 0.307
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[405] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.021
>>> Peak| | 0.0513| 0.303
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[40a] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.1099| 0.313
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[415] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0204| 0.251
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[435] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.028
>>> Peak| | 0.0113| 0.342
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[440] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.027
>>> Peak| | 0.0110| 0.299
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[465] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0122| 0.295
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[466] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0117| 0.267
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[467] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0164| 0.325
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[501] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0236| 0.276
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[503] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0248| 0.349
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[504] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0230| 0.312
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[505] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0256| 0.310
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[508] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0281| 0.329
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[511] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.022
>>> Peak| | 0.0232| 0.282
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[51e] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.023
>>> Peak| | 0.0248| 0.298
>>> ---------------+--------+--------+---------
>>> RxCan2[581] Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 0.025
>>> Peak| | 0.0166| 0.286
>>> ===============+========+========+=========
>>> Total Avg| 0.00| 0.0000| 43.563
>>> At the same time, calling poller times on, poller times status causes
>>> the bus to crash, although no polls are actively being sent at all.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
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>> Michael Balzer * Am Rahmen 5 * D-58313 Herdecke <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Am+Rahmen+5+*+D-58313+Herdecke?entry=gmail&source=g>
>> Fon 02330 9104094 * Handy 0176 20698926
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>> Michael Balzer * Am Rahmen 5 * D-58313 Herdecke <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Am+Rahmen+5+*+D-58313+Herdecke?entry=gmail&source=g>
>> Fon 02330 9104094 * Handy 0176 20698926
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>> OvmsDev mailing list
>> OvmsDev at lists.openvehicles.com
>> http://lists.openvehicles.com/mailman/listinfo/ovmsdev
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> OvmsDev mailing listOvmsDev at lists.openvehicles.comhttp://lists.openvehicles.com/mailman/listinfo/ovmsdev
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> OvmsDev mailing listOvmsDev at lists.openvehicles.comhttp://lists.openvehicles.com/mailman/listinfo/ovmsdev
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> Michael Balzer * Am Rahmen 5 * D-58313 Herdecke <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Am+Rahmen+5+*+D-58313+Herdecke?entry=gmail&source=g>
> Fon 02330 9104094 * Handy 0176 20698926
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