[Ovmsdev] App for Garmin Watches

Sébastien Darveau sebastien.darveau at synnoetic.com
Thu Jul 16 21:17:54 HKT 2020

Ok. I will change the name. The reason for the proxy (AWS Lambda) is that the watch is very picky and I didn’t want to bother you with that. At first, the certificate was apparently the problem but then you fixed it and I was still receiving error codes. Another advantage is that I will be able to strip the content to optimize loading time on the watch.

What do you mean by “you can’t really use that today”? Does it mean I must ask the user for a password and not the token?


On Jul 16, 2020, at 1:17 AM, Mark Webb-Johnson <mark at webb-johnson.net <mailto:mark at webb-johnson.net> > wrote:


Sounds exciting. I have some comments/questions:

*	You are free to publish this wherever you desire.
*	Similarly, the logo and images are ok for you to use.
*	We try to use ‘Open Vehicles’ as the name. It is short, but explains the project goals in a better way than the OVMS abbreviation.
*	Do you handle the selection of server (api / Dexter / whatever) or fixed to just api.openvehicles.com <http://api.openvehicles.com/> ?
*	Why is your AWS Lambda required? If the HTTP API cannot be used directly, is there a workaround we can do (such as extending the server code) to avoid the requirement for yet another server? I ask because this has security and trust implications for the end-user.
*	A note that medium to long term, it will be better to use api token based authentication - but server side support for that is still in progress so you can’t really use that today.

Regards, Mark.

On 16 Jul 2020, at 3:35 AM, Sébastien Darveau <sebastien.darveau at synnoetic.com <mailto:sebastien.darveau at synnoetic.com> > wrote:

Hi Mark,

I’m working on a widget to see my SOC on my Garmin watch and I’d like to request permission to go further and publish on the Garmin store (https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/) with “OVMS" as name. Once in the store, user will be able to enter vehicle_id, username and password/token to access own car information. Application uses a proxy on AWS Lambda to access the REST Api.

I have taken the resources from the iOS app and reduced the size a bit. Please note that I also use the OVMS logo on the loading screen.

Here is the code: https://github.com/sdarveau/Open-Vehicle-Garmin. Feel free to move it under the openvehicles workspace.

I’m planning to improve it but I'll keep it simple.

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