[Ovmsdev] IRAM usage (was Re: 3.1.006)

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Mon May 28 09:09:02 HKT 2018

I can’t read your .ods attachment, but here is what I get:

$ make size-components
Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   18748 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   42456 bytes
Used static DRAM:   61204 bytes (  53996 available, 53.1% used)
Used static IRAM:  131000 bytes (     72 available, 99.9% used)
      Flash code: 1909566 bytes
    Flash rodata:  791724 bytes
Total image size:~2851038 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)

Per-archive contributions to ELF file:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss   IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
                 libbt.a        521   3954    599     341306   147939  494319
     libovms_webserver.a          0    185      0      99722   219428  319335
             libstdc++.a        149   5640      0     119785    70474  196048
            libduktape.a          0      0      0     120709    55997  176706
               liblwip.a         19   3992      0     141697    19853  165561
 libc-psram-workaround.a       1988     66  18361     111481     9316  141212
libvehicle_renaulttwizy.          0     10      0      90328    40188  130526
           libnet80211.a       1977   8892   3322      97052    10288  121531
               libmain.a          7   1177      0      93298    24608  119090
              libesp32.a       2725    485  18932      24982    29492   76616
            libwolfssl.a          0     16      0      57399    16504   73919
                 libpp.a        855   6339  13019      40872     7311   68396
             libdriver.a        111    214   3253      37267    25758   66603
           libbtdm_app.a        347   4629  15135      30068     2872   53051
           libmongoose.a         16    221      0      36567     8803   45607
  libvehicle_kiasoulev.a          0      1      0      31588     6762   38351
     libovms_server_v2.a          0     14      0      31981     4541   36536
                libphy.a       1334    868   4572      29060        0   35834
               libmdns.a          0   1865      0      26947      370   29182
             libsimcom.a          0      1      0      18537     6773   25311
           libfreertos.a       4156    776  18116          0     2092   25140
                libwpa.a          0    682      0      20266     2304   23252
              libfatfs.a         12     47      0      20023     3036   23118
            libwolfssh.a          0     12      0      19516     2446   21974
            libvehicle.a          0     52      0      16196     5624   21872
 libm-psram-workaround.a          4      0      0      19196      697   19897
          libesp32wifi.a          0      1      0      13807     4949   18757
            libcanopen.a          0     24      0      13437     5260   18721
           libspinodma.a          0     12   6842       5593     5072   17519
                libcan.a          0     36      0      13175     3482   16693
        libconsole_ssh.a          2      8      0      12770     3704   16484
           libovms_ota.a          0      8      0       9407     5594   15009
          libnvs_flash.a          0     32      0      10763     2625   13420
            libretools.a         12      6      0      10184     2291   12493
                libgcc.a          4     20    104      10670      888   11686
          libspi_flash.a         36    323   7188       1626     1866   11039
     libesp32bluetooth.a         44    274      0       5886     4746   10950
            libobd2ecu.a          0      1      0       8603     2197   10801
               libheap.a       1205      8   5325       2424      976    9938
     libovms_server_v3.a          0     13      0       8043     1836    9892
     libwpa_supplicant.a          0      0      0       9812        4    9816
            libvfsedit.a        924      0      0       6983     1751    9658
                libsoc.a        657      8   7010          0     1247    8922
              libsdmmc.a          0      0      0       5855     2667    8522
libvehicle_teslaroadster          0      1      0       7010     1486    8497
     libwear_levelling.a          0     68      0       5917     1477    7462
 libvehicle_nissanleaf.a          8     85      0       5893     1391    7377
      libovms_location.a          4     36      0       5838      563    6441
             libsdcard.a          0      9     16       3549     1369    4943
            libcoexist.a       1277     94   3332          0      137    4840
             libcrypto.a          0     64      0       3998      167    4229
 libvehicle_voltampera.a          0      1      0       3041     1159    4201
            libmbedtls.a          0      0      0       3677      320    3997
       libvehicle_demo.a          0      1      0       3352      526    3879
 libbootloader_support.a          0      4      0       2308     1424    3736
      libtcpip_adapter.a          0    124      0       3220      306    3650
                libvfs.a         40     63      0       3060      395    3558
            libmicrorl.a          4      0      0       2896      576    3476
                libpcp.a          0     56      0       3050      286    3392
         libapp_update.a          0     80      0       2184      785    3049
                librtc.a          0      4   2777          0        0    2781
             libnewlib.a        152    252    806        611      133    1954
            libpthread.a         16     12    178       1090      650    1946
            libmcp2515.a          0      0      0       1526      317    1843
libvehicle_teslamodels.a          0      1      0       1276      519    1796
           libesp32can.a          0      4      0       1725       52    1781
          libovms_mdns.a          0      8      0       1495      213    1716
                liblog.a          8    268    478        810       16    1580
      libvehicle_obdii.a          0      1      0        782      647    1430
                libcxx.a         12     16      0        751      453    1232
               libcore.a          0      5      0        753      398    1156
            libmax7317.a          0      1      0        444      470     915
       libvehicle_none.a          0      1      0        261      489     751
      libvehicle_track.a          0      1      0        261      482     744
                libhal.a          0      0    515          0       32     547
             libext12v.a          0      0      0        282      141     423
        libovms_server.a          0      1      0        188      125     314
         libstrverscmp.a          0      0      0        212       48     260
           libesp32adc.a          0      0      0        112       20     132
        libesp32system.a          0      0      0         96       20     116
               libwpa2.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
                libwps.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
           libethernet.a          0      0      0          0        0       0

OVMS# module memory
Free 8-bit 82928/229892, 32-bit 32/36, SPIRAM 4079896/4194252

It seems that the three biggest are SPIRAM, Wifi, Bluetooth. That and the entire freertos api being in iram. Disabling sub-components we don’t use may help.

I think we have some opportunity to tune this. For example, spi_master_nodma is using 6842 bytes of IRAM (and I think the majority of that is not required - or we can try to get rid of that and just switch back to the normal dma based esp32 spi library).

I tried a very rough disabling/tuning some things, and got this:

$ make size-components
Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   18008 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   42384 bytes
Used static DRAM:   60392 bytes (  54808 available, 52.4% used)
Used static IRAM:  119508 bytes (  11564 available, 91.2% used)
      Flash code: 1633934 bytes
    Flash rodata:  740056 bytes
Total image size:~2511506 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
Per-archive contributions to ELF file:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss   IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
                 libbt.a        521   3954    542     307054   141815  453886
     libovms_webserver.a          0    185      0      53102   218036  271323
             libstdc++.a        149   5640      0     121351    70409  197549
            libduktape.a          0      0      0     120301    56061  176362
               liblwip.a         19   3992      0     121557    18181  143749
 libc-psram-workaround.a       1988     66  18361     111005     9283  140703
           libnet80211.a       1977   8892   3322      97053    10358  121602
libvehicle_renaulttwizy.          0     10      0      56564    38599   95173
               libmain.a          7   1177      0      69798    22656   93638
                 libpp.a        855   6339  13019      40848     7311   68372
            libwolfssl.a          0     16      0      51488    15797   67301
           libbtdm_app.a        347   4629  15135      30200     2848   53159
              libesp32.a       1936    485  14396      13092    15591   45500
             libdriver.a        111    214   2811      25454    13732   42322
           libmongoose.a         16    221      0      33204     8145   41586
                libphy.a       1334    868   4568      29048        0   35818
  libvehicle_kiasoulev.a          0      1      0      21612     6446   28059
                libwpa.a          0    682      0      20266     2320   23268
           libfreertos.a       4156    776  15731          0     2031   22694
     libovms_server_v2.a          0     14      0      18129     4224   22367
               libmdns.a          0   1865      0      19772      337   21974
              libfatfs.a         12     47      0      18123     2973   21155
 libm-psram-workaround.a          4      0      0      19188      698   19890
             libsimcom.a          0      1      0      13380     6443   19824
            libwolfssh.a          0     12      0      17089     1929   19030
            libcanopen.a          0     24      0      12095     4470   16589
                libcan.a          0     36      0      10637     4621   15294
            libvehicle.a          0     52      0       9853     5113   15018
          libesp32wifi.a          0      1      0       9707     4625   14333
        libconsole_ssh.a          2      8      0       9286     3382   12678
           libspinodma.a          0     12   5850       4146     2590   12598
           libovms_ota.a          0      8      0       6511     5421   11940
                libgcc.a          4     20    104      10682      888   11698
          libnvs_flash.a          0     32      0       8656     2716   11404
     libesp32bluetooth.a         44    274      0       5584     4573   10475
            libretools.a         12      6      0       8285     2134   10437
            libvfsedit.a        924      0      0       7055     1873    9852
     libwpa_supplicant.a          0      0      0       9577        4    9581
          libspi_flash.a         36    323   5998       1477     1073    8907
               libheap.a       1160      8   4179       2070      940    8357
                libsoc.a        774      8   6310          0     1210    8302
            libobd2ecu.a          0      1      0       5993     1681    7675
              libsdmmc.a          0      0      0       4888     2504    7392
libvehicle_teslaroadster          0      1      0       6069      996    7066
     libovms_server_v3.a          0     13      0       5108     1762    6883
 libvehicle_nissanleaf.a          8     85      0       4676     1312    6081
     libwear_levelling.a          0     68      0       4665     1312    6045
            libcoexist.a       1277     94   3332          0      142    4845
      libovms_location.a          4     36      0       4049      541    4630
             libcrypto.a          0     64      0       4006      167    4237
             libsdcard.a          0      9     16       2783     1289    4097
 libvehicle_voltampera.a          0      1      0       2592     1140    3733
            libmbedtls.a          0      0      0       3326      320    3646
            libmicrorl.a          4      0      0       2864      583    3451
                libvfs.a         40     63      0       2923      381    3407
       libvehicle_demo.a          0      1      0       2708      527    3236
      libtcpip_adapter.a          0    124      0       2705      300    3129
 libbootloader_support.a          0      4      0       1941     1171    3116
                librtc.a          0      4   2777          0        0    2781
         libapp_update.a          0     80      0       1860      770    2710
                libpcp.a          0     56      0       2313      286    2655
             libnewlib.a        152    252    802        616       85    1907
            libmcp2515.a          0      0      0       1592      314    1906
            libpthread.a         16     12    176        957      637    1798
libvehicle_teslamodels.a          0      1      0       1253      509    1763
           libesp32can.a          0      4      0       1659       52    1715
      libvehicle_obdii.a          0      1      0        909      639    1549
                liblog.a          8    268    442        709       14    1441
          libovms_mdns.a          0      8      0       1036      189    1233
               libcore.a          0      5      0        753      402    1160
                libcxx.a         12     16      0        684      443    1155
      libvehicle_track.a          0      1      0        409      476     886
       libvehicle_none.a          0      1      0        401      480     882
            libmax7317.a          0      1      0        385      459     845
                libhal.a          0      0    515          0       32     547
             libext12v.a          0      0      0        350      140     490
        libovms_server.a          0      1      0        156      124     281
         libstrverscmp.a          0      0      0        212       48     260
           libesp32adc.a          0      0      0        112       20     132
        libesp32system.a          0      0      0         96       20     116
               libwpa2.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
                libwps.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
           libethernet.a          0      0      0          0        0       0

We get a substantial improvement by simply using:


(which is the compiler options / optimisation level from debug -> release)

I think at this stage going through and disabling what we don’t need, down to the sub-component level, may free up enough. For release builds, we don’t really need DEBUG code, and can turn on the release optimisations in gcc. That, and other reductions, should give us enough breathing room.

Regards, Mark.

> On 28 May 2018, at 2:12 AM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
> After adding a missing newlib module (just code) I got this:
> xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld: region `iram0_0_seg' overflowed by 712 bytes
> I've now done a little analysis using the idf_size.py tool, results attached.
> As you can see, the esp-idf puts lots of components into IRAM, including parts of libc ("libc-psram-workaround").
> Without bluetooth and with the old version it's already been using 105636 bytes IRAM, the new version had quite some growth on this (marked in red), and the
> bluetooth (blue) components add another 15 KB, total is now 129880 bytes.
> Effectively there is now no IRAM space left (of the linker section) after enabling bluetooth.
> I guess my newlib module drew in some libc functions, as the libc segment grew beyond acceptable size.
> I don't think we will be able to continue providing a single firmware covering all features. Maybe we'll need to split into a wifi and a bluetooth release, I
> think those are the only optional components for us.
> Regards,
> Michael
> Am 23.05.2018 um 00:14 schrieb Michael Balzer:
>> Steve,
>> yes, at build time, I suppose the static IRAM preallocations from the bluetooth and wifi improvements have grown too much to fit:
>> /home/balzer/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld:
>> /home/balzer/esp/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/vehicle/OVMS.V3/build/ovms3.elf section `.iram0.text' will not fit in region `iram0_0_seg'
>> /home/balzer/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld: region `iram0_0_seg' overflowed by 940 bytes
>> This is my currently running build:
>> balzer at leela:~/esp/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/vehicle/OVMS.V3> ~/esp/esp-idf/tools/idf_size.py build/ovms3.map
>> Total sizes:
>>  DRAM .data size:   18760 bytes
>>  DRAM .bss  size:   42440 bytes
>> Used static DRAM:   61200 bytes (  54000 available, 53.1% used)
>> Used static IRAM:  131000 bytes (     72 available, 99.9% used)
>>       Flash code: 1908902 bytes
>>     Flash rodata:  791536 bytes
>> Total image size:~2850198 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
>> So that's also quite close already.
>> Regards,
>> Michael
>> Am 22.05.2018 um 23:50 schrieb Stephen Casner:
>>> Michael,
>>> Can you clarify regarding the IRAM space issues.  Was there an error
>>> at build time?  If so, that's a surprise because I don't think our
>>> code does anything with preallocation of IRAM so that means everyone
>>> who uses a similar set of system functions would hit this.
>>> My memory diagnostic code allocates from IRAM if available, but only
>>> if the memory commands are issued, so any system allocations in IRAM
>>> should come first.
>>>                                                        -- Steve
>>> On Tue, 22 May 2018, Michael Balzer wrote:
>>>> I've pushed the updated esp-idf status to our clone now, so we can start using that for release 007.
>>>> I've also checked the upstream master status again, which is already quite some commits ahead, including lots of wifi and bluetooth updates.
>>>> Unfortunately I got IRAM space issues and had to disable bluetooth to be able to build at all. The resulting firmware crashed immediately on wifi power up with
>>>> error code 0x102 and a message that we should use WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT. Which we do, I don't see anything wrong in our init code. So I switched back to the
>>>> working version for now.
>>>> To use the new esp-idf version all you need to do is a pull from our repository and a git submodule update. The xtensa tools are still the same.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Michael
>>>> Am 17.05.2018 um 10:41 schrieb Michael Balzer:
>>>>> Regarding the esp-idf update: it works without (new) issues and seems to improve stability a bit, but not as much as I was hoping.
>>>>> So it's an option, but not a priority for 006.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> Am 17.05.2018 um 05:06 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>>>> Deadline for the factory firmware is this weekend. The modules have all been built and are waiting sim cards, firmware flash, then final QC.
>>>>>> So, I suggest we freeze things as they are. I will double-check the wifi setup tonight (it seemed ok last time I checked, so hopefully good now). Build will not include the bluetooth code I am working on (that is disabled in our default sdkconfig anyway).
>>>>>> Is there anything else holding this up? Or anything anybody wants to rush in?
>>>>>> Regards, Mark.
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>>>> --
>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
>>>> Fon 02333 / 833 5735 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26
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>>>> OvmsDev mailing list
>>>> OvmsDev at lists.openvehicles.com
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>>> OvmsDev mailing list
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> -- 
> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
> Fon 02333 / 833 5735 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26
> <iram-usage.ods>_______________________________________________
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