[Ovmsdev] NetManTask created twice

Stephen Casner casner at acm.org
Tue Mar 20 14:53:35 HKT 2018

The example I showed is with all your committed changes included.

I expected only one NetManTask at a time, but I did not realize it
would be stopped and restarted.  It would be nice to know what memory
is allocated but not freed.  It may not be leaked if it is for
resources that are used by other tasks, but still it would be nice to
have all the memory properly accounted for.

Below is my startup sequence.  This may be AP auto-starting and then
stopping, followed by client mode starting from my script.  Without
the modem running, there might be no interfaces up between those two

                                                        -- Steve

Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
I (1982) ovms-mdns: Starting MDNS
I (1982) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (2012) version: Set version
I (2012) script: Running script /store/events/system.start/startmeup
I (2012) wifi: flush txq
I (2012) wifi: stop sw txq
I (2012) wifi: lmac stop hw txq
I (2022) wifi: Deinit lldesc rx mblock:4
I (2022) wifi: wifi firmware version: ebd3e5d
I (2022) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled
I (2022) wifi: config nano formating: disabled
I (2022) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (2022) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (2032) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16
I (2032) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (2032) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (2032) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffe5ea0, prio:23, stack:4096
I (2032) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 4
I (2032) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (2032) wifi: wifi power manager task: 0x3ffe7e14 prio: 21 stack: 2560
I (2042) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:37:1b:84)
I (2042) netmanager: WIFI access point is down
I (2052) esp32wifi: AP stopped
Starting WIFI as a client to Revelstoke...
I (2072) simcom: State: Enter CheckPowerOff state
I (2242) webserver: Stopping Web Server
I (2242) telnet: Stopping Telnet Server
I (2242) ssh: Stopping SSH Server
I (4462) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:255 255, sta:1 0, prof:1
I (5112) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5122) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (5132) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (5172) wifi: connected with Revelstoke, channel 1
I (6692) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6702) netmanager: Interface priority is st2 ( gateway
I (6702) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (6702) time: Starting SNTP client
I (6712) esp32wifi: WiFi UP with SSID: Revelstoke, MAC: 30:ae:a4:37:1b:84, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (6712) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (6732) telnet: Launching Telnet Server
I (6742) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (8132) wifi: pm start, type:0
I (12062) housekeeping: System considered stable (free: 31760 bytes)
I (16002) simcom: State timeout, transition to 13
I (16002) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOff state
I (16002) gsm-mux: Stop MUX

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