[Ovmsdev] Nissan Leaf 2016 Remote Climate Control

Michael Balzer dexter at expeedo.de
Sat Dec 9 19:31:44 HKT 2017


I fixed a minor bug in the v2 server code that caused much more data updates to be sent than necessary, can you please check if your data usage drops with that fix?



Am 09.12.2017 um 11:10 schrieb Tom Parker:
> This certainty encourages me to look at the cellular situation -- we've got a bit of a heat wave going on in NZ at the moment. When I last tried the cellular
> data, it worked moderately well for a day or so and then stopped because it had used all of the free 1MB allocation for the month on the Hologram SIM. I see
> less than 1MB per month using the OVMS v2 on a local carrier. I haven't looked at whether the v3 data usage was caused by excessive communications with the
> server, Hologram counting data differently to what I'm used to, or the v3 code reconnecting to the cellular network often. 

Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
Fon 02333 / 833 5735 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26

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