[Ovmsdev] hack-a-Leaf day

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Sat Jul 5 19:07:20 HKT 2014

I’ll be in UK between July 7th and 22nd (arriving, leaving, those dates). I’m staying around the Oxford area. I have quite a few commitments that I’ll firm up on the 7th so will know what days I have free then.

I thought it might be cool to arrange a hack-a-Leaf day, trying to get OVMS working in 1 day on the Nissan Leaf (EV CAN bus). I have modules and cables, a laptop, USB-serial adaptor, USB-CAN adaptor, and PICKIT3. I need a Leaf, a location to do the work, and some help. I’ve got a rental car, so can drive anywhere with a couple of hours of Oxford.

Please eMail me with the days that are possible for July 8th through 23rd for you, if you can help out.

Also, if anyone is in the Oxford area and wants to meet up, just let me know.

Thanks, Mark.

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