[Ovmsdev] Android App

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Tue Jan 29 09:37:51 HKT 2013

> - constantly shows "parking", although the Twizy does not feed the parking timer

I just tested on my Roadster, with both Android and iOS Apps, and this seems to work as it should (for me).

The logic in the Apps is that the car is parked if "!carstarted and parktime>0".

Carstarted is:
unsigned char car_doors1 [bit 7]

A bit used to signal whether the car is turned on or off. Set to 1 if the car ignition switch is ON, otherwise 0. 

There is a little bit of code in the vehicle_voltampera to handle the parking timer. As we don't know the 'car on' signal for the Volt/Ampera, yet, we just use the gear selector PARK.

  else if ((CANctrl & 0x07) == 5)        // Acceptance Filter 5 (RXF5) = CAN ID 135
    if (can_databuffer[0] == 0)
      { // Car is in PARK
      car_doors1 |= 0x40;     // NOT PARK
      car_doors1 &= ~0x80;    // CAR OFF
      if (car_parktime == 0)
        car_parktime = car_time-1;    // Record it as 1 second ago, so non zero report
      { // Car is not in PARK
      car_doors1 &= ~0x40;    // PARK
      car_doors1 |= 0x80;     // CAR ON
      if (car_parktime != 0)
        car_parktime = 0; // No longer parking

Also, initialise car_time to zero, and increment it in the vehicle ticker1().

>> ...as well as all the new function and parameter settings.
> I haven't seen a function call / parameter setup utility -- is that a hidden feature, or no UI yet, or a bug on my device?

The icon is not ideal at the moment. Go to settings, then the little pencil icon to go to the car settings, then press the icon that looks like a joystick in the top right. That is the control menu. From there, we have Features and Parameters.

Regards, Mark.

On 24 Jan, 2013, at 10:29 PM, Michael Balzer wrote:

> Mark,
> a short report for my HTC Desire HD / Android 2.3.5:

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