[Ovmsdev] Incentivising / Rewarding

Michael Jochum mikeljo at mac.com
Fri Aug 30 03:20:41 HKT 2013


i think this is a good idea.
Could help to multiply the developers.
Now the "old" developers can do some propaganda with this in mind.


Am 29.08.2013 um 03:25 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson <mark at webb-johnson.net>:

> I would like to devise something to incentivise / reward people working on this project. Something beyond the personal satisfaction, and giving back to the community.
> What I'm thinking is to donate hardware modules to people working on new vehicle support. It would work something like this:
> Someone steps forward to take on support for a particular vehicle.
> That developer buys the hardware module, and accessories, as normal.
> The vehicle_xxx.c file is written, tested, and gets to a stage where it meets the milestones for that vehicle (the core functionality requirements).
> Open Vehicles either re-imburses the module purchase price, or sends a second module to the developer concerned (option chosen by the developer).
> In particular, I'd really like to incentivise work on the Leaf and iMiev modules.
> What about for past contributors? What about for people working on the Apps, or other parts of the system?
> What do people think? Would this be a good idea, or no use?

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