[Ovmsdev] TESLIVE

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Wed Apr 17 10:17:40 HKT 2013

As you may be aware, there is a TESLIVE (Tesla Motors Club / Tesla Motors Corp collaboration) event coming up in Fremont, California - 12th, 13th and 14th July 2013.

OVMS has been offered a booth (to show what we have and do), but I can't make it. I would love to go, but it is just bad timing for me, as well as an awful long way to go just for this event. So, I'm opening it up - anyway interested in handling this for us?

Based on the limited information I've been given, the expo part of the conference will be on two of the days and the booth would have to be manned for three or four hours on each of those two days. It would mean manning the booth, demonstrating OVMS, perhaps offering firmware upgrades and/or installation advise. You would also get to attend the event itself. Open Vehicles would pay for the booth, as well as one attendance fee for whoever does this for us (assuming you are one of the lucky 300 - and I'm not sure if exhibitors get priority or need to pay for the conference part). If more than one wants to do it, that is fine by me - share the load (and discount the attendance). Supposedly we'll know more about the exhibitor side of things on this coming Friday.

Please eMail me (mark at openvehicles.com), or respond here, if you can help.

Regards, Mark.

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