[Ovmsdev] Twizy

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Fri Nov 9 22:23:05 HKT 2012

Twizy support seems to be coming along nicely, thanks to the amazing work Michael is doing. Some good functionality there already.

I'm starting to see some Twizy users register on openvehicles.com. Perhaps the word is getting out?

Some questions / requests:

Michael: Can you let me have the details on the cable pinouts and parts you are using at the moment? Is it a standard cable, or are you having to make something up?

How is charge control on the Twizy done? Is there any way of stopping or starting (topup) a charge from within the car, or is it just controlled by plugging? Any chance of can bus control of this?

Can anyone help with the car images for the Twizy? There are lots of nice images available, but they need to be photoshopped to the right dimensions and transparent background png.

Regards, Mark.

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