[Ovmsdev] OVMS Poller module/singleton

Chris Box chris8086 at ee.eclipse1.net
Tue Jan 28 07:20:10 HKT 2025

On 2025-01-27 21:50, Michael Balzer via OvmsDev wrote:

>> 0x8048d9 was logged twice last night while parked and locked, with 
>> nothing going on
> So please verify there really was nothing going on. Maybe you didn't 
> see the vehicle was actually active due to reduced log levels or 
> missing log entries in the leaf code?

Logging to SD card was globally at info level, except with debug for 
can, esp32can, mcp2515 & events. Here's all I saw:

2025-01-26 19:56:25.997 GMT I (92702057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
19:56:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285676)
2025-01-26 20:01:25.997 GMT I (93002057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
20:01:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285644)
2025-01-26 20:03:57.337 GMT E (93153387) can: can1: intr=4800273 
rxpkt=4799065 txpkt=900 errflags=0x8048d9 rxerr=0 txerr=128 rxinval=0 
rxovr=5 txovr=0 txdelay=51 txfail=281 wdgreset=0 errreset=0
2025-01-26 20:03:58.337 GMT E (93154387) can: can1: intr=4800319 
rxpkt=4799065 txpkt=901 errflags=0x8048d9 rxerr=0 txerr=135 rxinval=0 
rxovr=5 txovr=0 txdelay=51 txfail=282 wdgreset=0 errreset=0
2025-01-26 20:06:05.337 GMT E (93281387) can: can1: intr=4800334 
rxpkt=4799065 txpkt=902 errflags=0x8048d9 rxerr=0 txerr=134 rxinval=0 
rxovr=5 txovr=0 txdelay=51 txfail=289 wdgreset=0 errreset=0
2025-01-26 20:06:26.007 GMT I (93302057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
20:06:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285676)
2025-01-26 20:11:25.997 GMT I (93602057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
20:11:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285612)

2025-01-26 23:16:26.017 GMT I (104702057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
23:16:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285488)
2025-01-26 23:21:26.017 GMT I (105002057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
23:21:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285456)
2025-01-26 23:23:04.347 GMT E (105100387) can: can1: intr=4801533 
rxpkt=4799065 txpkt=903 errflags=0x8048d9 rxerr=0 txerr=131 rxinval=0 
rxovr=5 txovr=0 txdelay=51 txfail=888 wdgreset=0 errreset=0
2025-01-26 23:26:26.017 GMT I (105302057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
23:26:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285488)
2025-01-26 23:31:26.017 GMT I (105602057) housekeeping: 2025-01-26 
23:31:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=79720-82596 32b=12560 SPI=3263128-3285456)

> The best option to capture anything going on with the bus over the 
> night is activating an unfiltered can log to the SD card.

Do you mean setting the global log level to verbose?

> The normal behaviour of a parked car is doing 12V battery maintenance 
> every few hours, i.e. topping up the 12V battery from the main battery. 
> That will normally also cause a limited CAN wakeup of the ECUs taking 
> part in that process.

With the MQTT metrics I observe charging of 12V ceased at 18:40. The 
battery then went into gradual decline starting at 12.8V until it 
reached 12.4V the next morning.

> Another option is some plugin or script doing a wakeup to query values.

The only activity I have is an MQTT idle update interval of 10 minutes. 
Overnight this just sends things like free memory, 12V voltage and 
signal strength.

> As you don't see any issues yet, proceed with both buses active to see 
> if the new timing solved that.

Both buses now set to active.

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