[Ovmsdev] Hologram outage

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Wed Aug 30 07:58:42 HKT 2023

The first major outage of Hologram in the ~7 years we’ve been using them, current status is shown here:


Update - Our upstream partner has identified the root cause of the regression. One of the provider's network interface was unable to support the amount of traffic being released and was compromised.
The solution is currently being assessed, in which they'll migrate the signaling services to a different node that is operating normally and has bandwidth to support the incremental traffic.
Latest estimate for full resolution is 0700 to 0800 UTC. This estimate is based on the assumption that the applied solutions work as intended. 
Aug 29, 2023 - 22:59 UTC

The CEO of Hologram has also penned a message to all:

I founded Hologram to provide the most reliable cellular connectivity product available, and today we failed to live up to that promise. We've been impacted by a partial outage for over 24 hours, and I've heard deep frustration and anger from many customers about the impact this is having on their business. If you've been affected, I'm genuinely sorry.

Here are the facts: The source of the ongoing outage has been traced to a hardware failure in an upstream mobile network operator. We've applied continuous pressure and understand that a fix was implemented earlier this morning. However, given the amount of devices affected, it will take time for your devices to reconnect. You can keep up-to-date on the latest information about the outage on our status page <http://mkto-ab470047.com/n/MTU1LUNCRy03MDIAAAGN4f28lNbpRgDXdNIUELBldxUb-w9YuDBj1zbZd35F-1rpTYewIdcNgp85tHct3E6MLBeGSu8=>.

Our first priority is getting you back online. Immediately afterward, we need to re-earn your trust and confidence that we're taking the necessary steps to ensure this is a "never-again" event. Look for follow-ups in the coming days with details on the root cause and prevention measures.


Ben Forgan 
CEO and Co-Founder 
hologram.io <http://mkto-ab470047.com/n/MTU1LUNCRy03MDIAAAGN4f28lF5yOsBL1usDBobXkzPvxArJdyKHYP8PnlIyeFSq4e4f4Dc9MmnocbcDLlzBvchyYrM=>

We’ll continue to monitor the status, but not much we can do other than wait for the upstream provider to fix their issues.

Regards, Mark.

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