[Ovmsdev] Using the BMW Connecteddrive API from OVMS

Steve Davies steve at telviva.co.za
Fri Feb 19 16:29:50 HKT 2021


One way to "command" the BMW/Mini cars is with the BMW ConnectedDrive app.
  This talks to REST APIs on BMW servers around the place.

This API has been sniffed by others and seems simple to use.

The actual delivery of the command to the car is deathly slow - at least
here in South Africa.  I think it actually sends the car an SMS to kick
things off.  And it doesn't always work.  Still, it does allow things like
unlock / lock / climatise and what have you.

I expect I can come up with some sort of "noop" operation that boils down
to "wake up the car" which would be helpful to get fresh state from the car
from time to time.

Would you be OK with taking a PR for the bmwi3 vehicle module that uses

Are there any available frameworks for calling HTTP/JSON/REST APIs from the
C++ code?


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