[Ovmsdev] Trying to get a new car in, CRTD, CANbus and all

Michael Balzer dexter at expeedo.de
Tue Jul 16 01:28:29 HKT 2019


hope you got that e-UP at a reasonable price, they were pretty far overpriced on introduction. But they seem to be very efficient, so good choice.

Your CRTD log only shows OBD2 requests, and there seem to be four devices answering to them.

As Craig wrote, the process data may be on another bus, and the bus you're on now only does request/response communication.

Next would be to check for more CAN buses and to check out more OBD2 requests targeted at those four devices.


Am 15.07.19 um 16:43 schrieb Julien “JaXX” Banchet:
> Hi everyone, and happy summer to all !
> So, sold my Twizy a month ago, the OVMSv3.1 has left with it, got a VW e-UP! a little bit before and received a v3.2 last week.
> Threw away a few microSDs but got a CRTD log this afternoon.
> While I have the weird impression 1335 lines and 55kB ( https://pastebin.com/FAZqnzie ) for a 30 minute drive back from work seems very short, I tried reading it in SavvyQT but it “salvages” only the first 35 lines.
> (30 minutes kinda full left aside the wipers, ignition off, on, launch, lights, windows, reversing, and even blinkers that Parisians try to avoid using for some odd reason, so yeah, 1335 lines, that’s not even a frame per second, something is missing)
> No DBC found on the interwebz for volkswagen’s AA/12 platform, so I’m in for making a first probably ? That is if the sole CANBus connected got anything worthy (OBDII vehicle module used)
> I have understood VAG cars are a bit different in a way, I wouldn’t be surprised accessing VW busses need a bit of help :)
> Anybody around with a bit of knowledge with these cars ?
> Best,
> JaXX./.
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Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
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