[Ovmsdev] BMS generalization (was: Custom metrics)

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Sat Nov 17 18:13:41 HKT 2018

Ok. Will do.

Now you remind me, bms looks good on iPhone:

> On 17 Nov 2018, at 6:08 PM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
> Yes, you can add a new menu to PageMenu_t like that. I suggest introducing a general tools menu instead of a specific one, i.e. "PageMenu_Tools".
> To still fit the menu on one line in tablet mode (width down to 768 px) I suggest moving the Shell into the tools menu then.
> Go ahead, I'm not working on the web framework at the moment.
> Regards,
> Michael
>> Am 17.11.18 um 10:48 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>> Twizy code overrides the virtual short name function, so won’t suffer the issue.
>> I think it is a bug in vehicle factory (as modifying the vehicle type is reasonable), so fixed it there. Returning NULL is problematic. It would be so much easier for everything to return std::string, but concern is memory consumption and overhead.
>> I’d like to start converting RE TOOLS to just use the web server. First step is to work out how to add a menu onto the web server. It seems that the PageMenu_t is a fixed enum list (and similarly hard-coded in the web_framework.
>> Do I just add a ‘CAN bus’ menu there, by adding it to PageMenu_t, and supporting it where the other top level menus are? Or do you have any other suggestions/plans for this?
>> I don’t want to step on anything you are working on here.
>> The second stage will be to add displays under that, but I think that is fairly straight forward. I will mostly be displaying tables, and sending those over the web socket would be good.
>> Regards, Mark
>>> On 17 Nov 2018, at 5:37 PM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> nice, thanks.
>>> The short name is used for the menu label. It's meant to fall back to the long name (and seems to do so in your screenshot), so should not be null. But I admit I haven't tested it on a vehicle without a short name.
>>> Btw, I'm currently working on the deviations and alerts.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael
>>>> Am 17.11.18 um 10:08 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>> Michael,
>>>> Looks good. It seems that you did everything necessary for the Model S already in your commit 2a84d861403f48142d6adcc16ad7a20cd458e427:
>>>> #include “ovms_webserver.h"
>>>> OvmsVehicleTeslaModelS::OvmsVehicleTeslaModelS()
>>>> MyWebServer.RegisterPage("/bms/cellmon", "BMS cell monitor", OvmsWebServer::HandleBmsCellMonitor, PageMenu_Vehicle, PageAuth_Cookie);
>>>> OvmsVehicleTeslaModelS::~OvmsVehicleTeslaModelS()
>>>> MyWebServer.DeregisterPage("/bms/cellmon");
>>>> From my devbench, replaying a CAN CRTD log file, I get this output:
>>>> <PastedGraphic-2.png>
>>>> The animation is very nice.
>>>> I am, however, getting crashes, as follows:
>>>> # xtensa-esp32-elf-addr2line -pfiaC -e 3.1.011-25-g2a84d86.ovms3.elf 0x400935d3 0x4009372b 0x400db90c 0x4012c0f7 0x4012d0e1 0x4012d1e0 0x4012ebc1 0x4012ecbd 0x400f8b65 0x400f912d 0x400fa27c 0x400fa29a 0x400f8b65 0x400fa3e3 0x400fa7ad 0x400faa77 0x400f767e 0x400ee40a 0x400ee459
>>>> 0x400935d3: invoke_abort at /home/openvehicles/build/esp-idf/components/esp32/panic.c:670
>>>> 0x4009372b: abort at /home/openvehicles/build/esp-idf/components/esp32/panic.c:670
>>>> 0x400db90c: __cxx_fatal_exception_message at /home/openvehicles/build/esp-idf/components/cxx/cxx_exception_stubs.cpp:19
>>>> 0x4012c0f7: void std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_construct<char const*>(char const*, char const*, std::forward_iterator_tag) at /home/openvehicles/build/xtensa-esp32-elf/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/5.2.0/bits/basic_string.tcc:216
>>>>  (inlined by) void std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_construct_aux<char const*>(char const*, char const*, std::__false_type) at /home/openvehicles/build/xtensa-esp32-elf/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/5.2.0/bits/basic_string.h:195
>>>>  (inlined by) void std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_construct<char const*>(char const*, char const*) at /home/openvehicles/build/xtensa-esp32-elf/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/5.2.0/bits/basic_string.h:214
>>>>  (inlined by) std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator<char> const&) at /home/openvehicles/build/xtensa-esp32-elf/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/5.2.0/bits/basic_string.h:457
>>>> 0x4012d0e1: OvmsWebServer::CreateMenu[abi:cxx11](PageContext&) at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/ovms_webserver/src/web_framework.cpp:393
>>>> 0x4012d1e0: OvmsWebServer::HandleRoot(PageEntry&, PageContext&) at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/ovms_webserver/src/web_framework.cpp:510
>>>> 0x4012ebc1: PageEntry::Serve(PageContext&) at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/ovms_webserver/src/ovms_webserver.cpp:558
>>>> 0x4012ecbd: OvmsWebServer::EventHandler(mg_connection*, int, void*) at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/ovms_webserver/src/ovms_webserver.cpp:558
>>>> 0x400f8b65: mg_call at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400f912d: mg_http_call_endpoint_handler at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400fa27c: mg_http_handler2 at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400fa29a: mg_http_handler at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400f8b65: mg_call at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400fa3e3: mg_recv_common at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400fa7ad: mg_if_recv_tcp_cb at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>>  (inlined by) mg_handle_tcp_read at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:3723
>>>>  (inlined by) mg_mgr_handle_conn at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:3844
>>>> 0x400faa77: mg_socket_if_poll at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400f767e: mg_mgr_poll at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/components/mongoose/mongoose/mongoose.c:1701
>>>> 0x400ee40a: OvmsNetManager::MongooseTask() at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/main/ovms_netmanager.cpp:560
>>>> 0x400ee459: MongooseRawTask(void*) at /home/openvehicles/build/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3.1/vehicle/OVMS.V3/main/ovms_netmanager.cpp:545
>>>> On my development bench module I get this crash 1 in 4 times or so. On my real car, 100% of the time.
>>>> That code path leads into MyVehicleFactory.ActiveVehicleShortName(). Those should all be ‘const char*’, but it is possible for NULL to be returned. I will look into it in more detail.
>>>> Regards, Mark.
>>>>> On 17 Nov 2018, at 7:35 AM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
>>>>> Mark, Tamás,
>>>>> I haven't had the time yet to take care of the stddev port, but I've just added the generalized web UI.
>>>>> Please see git log for details and send some screenshots.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Michael
>>>>>> Am 11.11.18 um 16:47 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>>>> OK. I spent some time on this today, and sent in a first draft (as a bunch of extensions to vehicle.{h, cpp}). I migrated the Tesla Model S code to use it, and support came down to just a few simple lines of code.
>>>>>> For the moment, I dropped the idea of ‘readingsperrow’, as I think                                 that is Tesla Model S specific, and not really necessary. Purely presentational.
>>>>>> c++ std::bitset is fixed size, so that doesn’t work for us. The std::vector<bool> seems a workable alternative, but I am not really happy with using std::find as a way of looking to see if we have everything. It works as it is, but is not very optimal. It seems there should be a better way of doing that. I think it is a pretty key feature, given the broadcast nature of the buses, to help the vehicle module know when it has a set of data ready to commit to metrics, so will need to think about this some more.
>>>>>> I also implemented min and max, for voltages and temperatures. They went in cleanly. Haven’t tackled stddev yet (or the watchers/alerts, overall aggregates, etc). There is a very basic ‘bms status’ command implemented.
>>>>>> Let me know what you think of it.
>>>>>> Regards, Mark
>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2018, at 5:11 PM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>> Mark,
>>>>>>> yes, .min & .max are the minimum and maximum readings                                         seen since last battery monitor reset. The reset should be available as…
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::ResetCellStats();
>>>>>>> Command: "vehicle bms reset" …or just "bms reset" as we also have other vehicle commands on the root level?
>>>>>>> On the Twizy I do an auto reset each time the vehicle is turned on and each time a charge starts, but that behaviour should be controllable by the vehicle / user.
>>>>>>> There's additionally the overall { .stddev, .avg } on voltages and temperatures of the pack. These and the cell level statistics can be calculated by the framework, so the vehicle simply needs to provide the readings. The framework needs to provide a way to reset the readings completion bitset, i.e.
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::RestartCellVoltages();
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::RestartCellTemperatures();
>>>>>>> …as sometimes readings get lost,                                         and adding new to the previous readings may lead to an inconsistent view leading to wrong standard deviation.
>>>>>>> Speaking of standard deviation, the framework should also provide warnings and alerts flags. On the Twizy it does so by checking deviation thresholds, and there's a general stddev warn & alert threshold to detect overall condition and two alert thresholds on the cell level, one for normal stddev and one for stddev alert mode. Warning flags on the cell level are set when the cell deviation is above stddev. On the Twizy these thresholds are currently fixed to…
>>>>>>> // Battery cell/cmod deviation alert thresholds:
>>>>>>> #define BATT_DEV_TEMP_ALERT                                                     3       // = 3 °C
>>>>>>> #define BATT_DEV_VOLT_ALERT                                                     6       // = 30 mV
>>>>>>> // ...thresholds for overall stddev:
>>>>>>> #define BATT_STDDEV_TEMP_WATCH                                                  2       // = 2 °C
>>>>>>> #define BATT_STDDEV_TEMP_ALERT                                                  3       // = 3 °C
>>>>>>> #define BATT_STDDEV_VOLT_WATCH                                                  3       // = 15 mV
>>>>>>> #define BATT_STDDEV_VOLT_ALERT                                                  5       // = 25 mV
>>>>>>> …these are good defaults for the Twizy 43 Ah pouch cells, but may be too low for an 18650 pack, and will especially not fit cheap LFP type cells. So these should be configurable, i.e.
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.dev.temp.alert [°C]
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.dev.voltage.alert [V]
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.stddev.temp.watch [°C]
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.stddev.temp.alert [°C]
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.stddev.voltage.watch [V]
>>>>>>> vehicle bms.stddev.voltage.alert [V]
>>>>>>> I can generalize the Twizy code for all of this.
>>>>>>> The Twizy battery monitoring command set is:
>>>>>>> OVMS# xrt batt ?
>>>>>>> data-cell            Output cell record
>>>>>>> data-pack            Output pack record
>>>>>>> reset                Reset alerts & watches
>>>>>>> status               Status report
>>>>>>> tdev                 Show temperature deviations
>>>>>>> temp                 Show temperatures
>>>>>>> vdev                 Show voltage deviations
>>>>>>> volt                 Show voltages
>>>>>>> The "data" commands provide the server historical records output. The other commands originate from the V2 and have been designed to keep the output within the SMS msg size limit.
>>>>>>> "status" gives an operative overview of the standard and max deviation levels of cells with warning or alert status. "volt", "vdev", "temp" and "tdev" show all cells.
>>>>>>> The Twizy generates a battery alert notification from the "status" output whenever some cell alert flag is set.
>>>>>>> The Twizy server records also originate from the V2 limits, and can now better be changed to vectors. I've just finished a virtual dynamometer on the Twizy, sending a vector metric to the server is just a matter of…
>>>>>>> std::string msg = "RT-ENG-MotTrqDrv,0,86400,";
>>>>>>> msg.append(m_mon.m_mot_torque_drv->AsString());
>>>>>>> MyNotify.NotifyString("data", "xrt.pwr.mon", msg.c_str());
>>>>>>> Neat.
>>>>>>> The Twizy sends server records once per minute during drive/charge. The server update frequency should become tunable as well, as that would be a lot of additional data volume on                                         large packs.
>>>>>>> The Twizy layout may be either…
>>>>>>> 14 cell groups in the pack
>>>>>>> 2 cell groups in each module
>>>>>>> 7 modules in the pack
>>>>>>> Each cell group has 1 voltage measurement (so, 14 individual voltage measurements)
>>>>>>> Each module has 1 temperature measurements (so, 7 individual temperature measurements)
>>>>>>> That means:
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(14, 2,  7)
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(7, 1, 7)
>>>>>>> …for the original battery, or for an LFP type replacement…
>>>>>>> 16 cell groups in the pack
>>>>>>> 16 cell groups in each module
>>>>>>> 1 module in the pack
>>>>>>> Each cell group has 1 voltage measurement (so, 16 individual voltage measurements)
>>>>>>> Each module has 3 temperature measurements (so, 3 individual temperature measurements)
>>>>>>> That means:
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(16, 16,  8)
>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(3, 3, 3)
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>> Am 11.11.18 um 08:10 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>>>>>> Looking at the discussion with Michael back in May, we came to some conclusions for this. I was happy back then with using ‘cell’ rather than ‘module’ as the naming, because (a) we are talking about cell/brick/module level here, not pack, and (b) it is shorter. It seems that the twizy has:
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cell.01.volt.act                                                                   3.995V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cell.01.volt.max                                                                   4.12V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cell.01.volt.maxdev                0.01V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cell.01.volt.min                                                                   3.795V
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cell.cnt                                                                           14
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cmod.01.temp.act                                                                     17°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cmod.01.temp.max                                                                     23°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cmod.01.temp.maxdev                1°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cmod.01.temp.min                                                                     16°C
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.cmod.cnt                                                                             7
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.temp.alerts
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.temp.max                                                                        23°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.temp.min                                                                        16°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.temp.stddev.max             1°C
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.temp.watches
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.volt.alerts
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.volt.max                                                                        57.6V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.volt.min                                                                        52.8V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.volt.stddev.max             0.005V
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.1.volt.watches                1,2,4,5,6,7,11,12,14
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.pack.cnt                                                                               1
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.soc.max                                                                                100%
>>>>>>>> xrt.b.soc.min                                                                                69.78%
>>>>>>>> Trying to come up with a standard representation for this (so everyone can use a shared library, and share output displays), that works across all vehicles... Assuming we have one-dimensional arrays for different types of measurement (for voltage, temperature, etc), measurements are taken at the group of cells level (with perhaps different groupings for different readings), and aggregations/limits being automatically calculated, I think this has:
>>>>>>>> v.b.c.voltage
>>>>>>>> Vector<float> metric type array of voltage measurements
>>>>>>>> v.b.c.temp
>>>>>>>> Vector<float> metric type array of temperature measurements
>>>>>>>> Aggregations / limits
>>>>>>>> We could have v.b.c.voltage.min, v.b.c.voltage.max, v.b.c.voltage.maxdev, v.b.c.temp.min, v.b.c.temp.max, and v.b.c.temp.maxdev if we wanted to store these. Presumably they could be automatically calculated? I am guessing ‘min’ is the minimal value seen, and ‘max’ the maximum?
>>>>>>>> Setting as a batch
>>>>>>>> The way I’ve implemented the Model S is to keep a bitmap of values set. For example, say we have 32 cell voltage measurements. Every time we set a voltage measurement, we set the appropriate bit. When the bitmap is full, zero the bitmap, then set the metric in bulk (setting the entire vector). That seems to work well for Model S at least. The aggregations/limits would be calculated (and set) when the batch is ready. I suggest something like:
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellVoltage(int index, float value);
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellTemperature(int index, float value);
>>>>>>>> Arrangement
>>>>>>>> My thinking is that the count of measurements available can be defined when the module initialises. We can also simply count the size of the vectors, to know that. The issue is the cell/brick/module/pack arrangement; How many voltage or temperature measurements per module, how many modules in the pack, etc. I think we need to tell the system (a) the number of readings expected, (b) the number of readings per module, and (c) a hint to say how many readings to show per row. I suggest something like:
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(int readings, int readingspermodule, int readingsperrow)
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(int readings, int readingspermodule, int readingsperrow)
>>>>>>>> Commands
>>>>>>>> Once the above is defined we can have a ‘vehicle bms status’ command to show the status (like the Tesla Model S one shown here, albeit more polished):
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  1 | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.5 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 30.3 C Max
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  2 | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 29.4 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.8 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  3 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 29.1 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 29.7 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  4 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 28.9 C Min
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.7 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  5 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.0 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.6 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  6 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.3 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.6 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  7 | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.0 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.6 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  8 | 3.982 V | 3.983 V | 3.982 V | 29.2 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.983 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.9 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  9 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 30.0 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.7 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 10 | 3.979 V | 3.980 V | 3.979 V | 29.1 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.980 V | 3.979 V | 3.979 V | 29.8 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 11 | 3.980 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.1 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.4 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 12 | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 29.1 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 29.3 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 13 | 3.982 V | 3.983 V | 3.982 V | 28.9 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.4 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 14 | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.3 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.5 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 15 | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 29.6 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.9 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 16 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 29.5 C
>>>>>>>>    | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.8 C
>>>>>>>>    -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>    Tmin: 28.9  Tmax: 30.3  Vmax: 3.983  Vmin: 3.979  Vmax-Vmin: 0.003  Vtot: 382.23
>>>>>>>> Another variant of this display would be:
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  1 | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.5 C. 30.3 C Max |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  2 | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.4 C  29.8 C                                                       |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  3 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 29.1 C  29.7 C     |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  4 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 28.9 C Min  29.7 C |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>  5 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.0 C  29.6 C     |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> 16 | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V | 3.982 V |                                                   3.981 V | 3.981 V | 29.5 C  29.8 C.    |
>>>>>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>    Tmin: 28.9  Tmax: 30.3  Vmax: 3.983  Vmin: 3.979  Vmax-Vmin: 0.003  Vtot: 382.23
>>>>>>>> (The vehicle itself having the control via the SetCellArrangement methods)
>>>>>>>> To provide a baseline usage case, the Tesla Model S has:
>>>>>>>> 96 bricks in the pack
>>>>>>>> 6 bricks in each module
>>>>>>>> 16 modules in the pack
>>>>>>>> Each brick has one voltage measurement (so, 96 individual voltage measurements)
>>>>>>>> Each module has two temperature measurements (so, 32 individual temperature measurements)
>>>>>>>> That means:
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(96, 6, 3)
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(32, 2, 1)
>>>>>>>> Tesla Model X seems identical to                                                 Model S.
>>>>>>>> I am still working on reverse engineering the Tesla Roadster, but it seems to have:
>>>>>>>> 99 bricks in the pack
>>>>>>>> 9 bricks in each module (aka sheet)
>>>>>>>> 11 modules in the pack
>>>>>>>> Each brick has one voltage measurement (so, 11*9 = 99 individual voltage measurements)
>>>>>>>> Each module has four temperature measurements (so, 11*4 = 44 individual temperature measurements)
>>>>>>>> That means:
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(99, 9, 9)
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(44, 4, 4)
>>>>>>>> For other cars that support cell-level measurements, do they fit this representation? If so, can we fill in the following for each car, to see how it fits in?
>>>>>>>> XX cell groups in the pack
>>>>>>>> XX cell groups in each module
>>>>>>>> XX modules in the pack
>>>>>>>> Each cell group has one voltage measurement (so, XX individual voltage measurements)
>>>>>>>> Each module has four temperature measurements (so, XX individual temperature measurements)
>>>>>>>> That means:
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementVoltage(N, Y,  Z)
>>>>>>>> OvmsVehicle::SetCellArrangementTemperature(N, Y, Z)
>>>>>>>> If they don’t fit, what changes are needed to make it work?
>>>>>>>> Regards, Mark.
>>>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2018, at 12:16 AM, Mark Webb-Johnson <mark at webb-johnson.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I originally thought ‘brick’, or ‘module’ rather than ‘cell’, but happy with either. These are readings for groups of cells, rather than whole pack.
>>>>>>>>> Tesla Model S is 16 modules. 6 voltage readings, and 2 temperatures, per module.
>>>>>>>>> What is Kia Soul arrangement?
>>>>>>>>> Regards, Mark
>>>>>>>>>> On 10 Nov 2018, at 11:26 PM, Henrik Scheel <henrik.scheel at spjeldager.dk> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mark.
>>>>>>>>>> Good idea with a generic array type metric, and standard metrics for common EV features!
>>>>>>>>>> Just a quick note:
>>>>>>>>>> The Kia Soul EV vehicle module will be able to utilize these metric-arrays. However, on the Soul, the voltages are for each physical pair of cells connected in parallel, and the temperatures are for 6 battery modules, and for the battery cooling air inlet. 
>>>>>>>>>> So, for the Kia Soul EV, the name “v.b.cell.temp” would be misleading, as each measured module temperature is representing the state for 16 pairs of cells.
>>>>>>>>>> Aside from that, I am all for mapping the values in these new standardized metric types.                                                         Currently, the temperature average is calculated and mapped to a metric, and the 96 cell voltages are unmapped for Kia Soul EV.
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Henrik
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> Venlig hilsen / best regards 
>>>>>>>>>> Henrik R. Scheel
>>>>>>>>>> Spjeldager Consult ApS
>>>>>>>>>> Spjeldager 9 
>>>>>>>>>> DK-2630 Taastrup 
>>>>>>>>>> CVR: 34491399 
>>>>>>>>>> T: +45 2720 9828 
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.spjeldager.dk/
>>>>>>>>>>> Den 10. nov. 2018 kl. 15.34 skrev ovmsdev-request at lists.openvehicles.com:
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>>>>>>>>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Re: Custom metrics (Mark Webb-Johnson)
>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Message: 1
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 22:34:46 +0800
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Mark Webb-Johnson <mark at webb-johnson.net>
>>>>>>>>>>> To: OVMS Developers <ovmsdev at lists.openvehicles.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Ovmsdev] Custom metrics
>>>>>>>>>>> Message-ID: <1E30255B-5CC6-4EC4-BA9F-9CA41D156B11 at webb-johnson.net>
>>>>>>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>>>>>>>>> I?ve added UnregisterCommand() methods to ovms_command.{h, cpp}. I?ve also updated the                                                           vehicle_teslamodels code to UnregisterCommand in the destructor. I think that is cleaner. The unregistering of CAN buses already seems to be working properly, config parameters should persist (even without vehicle module loaded). I am still considering the situation with metrics (but tend to think that they should disappear when the vehicle module is unloaded).
>>>>>>>>>>> I?ve also changed the vehicle_teslamodels code to use single voltage and temperate metric arrays (I think my previous dual voltage                                                           temperature arrangement was incorrect). I think these can now become standard metrics (one for battery voltage, and another for temperature). How about v.b.cell.voltage and v.b.cell.temp? The interpretation of those vectors (how many modules primarily - with the calculation of voltages and temperatures per module being dependent on the realtime size of each array) will still be vehicle dependent, and I guess the vehicle module can provide hints to our standard component for this. Perhaps we can just implement it in vehicle.{h, cpp}? I think this standard module can deal with:
>>>>>>>>>>> An interface for specific vehicle module to specify the number of modules, number of voltage measurements, and number of temperature measurements available.
>>>>>>>>>>> Internal storage of cell voltages and temperatures.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tracking of when all voltages and temperatures have been set, and these should be written to metrics (as a transaction).
>>>>>>>>>>> Standardised command to display on terminal (like ?xts bms?).
>>>>>>>>>>> Web interface extensions (including the charting you have, a textual display, etc).
>>>>>>>>>>> I can handle all of the above, except the web interface. What do you think? Can these be standardised? Certainly for Tesla Roadster and Tesla Model S they appear to be able to be unified under one standard framework.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards, Mark.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8 Nov 2018, at 6:49 AM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mark,
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) yes, we're approaching a generic form now. The chart currently displays actual, min & max values from the arrays,                                                           and derives the overall average value. It automatically adapts to the number of voltages and temperatures stored in the arrays.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It still lacks:
>>>>>>>>>>>> a) Displaying max deviations, current standard deviation and max standard deviation recorded.
>>>>>>>>>>>> b) Displaying cell/module warn & alert status. These are                                                           currently set metrics on the Twizy, could better be generalized as arrays as well, i.e. 0=normal, 1=warn, 2=alert.
>>>>>>>>>>>> c) SOH / capacity and internal                                                           resistance should be generally available per cell as well (no data on these yet on the Twizy).
>>>>>>>>>>>> And as this will visually overload the chart it will need some buttons to show/hide the parts.
>>>>>>>>>>>> A general vehicle base support for these metrics could automatically keep min & max values, calculate deviations and derive warn/alert status from these. So basically a vehicle adapter only needs to provide voltages and temperatures (+ SOH and internal resistance as available). The reset command then can also normally just be a generalized                                                           version.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) I should add some basic documentation on this to the developer manual (lacking time). For the RE tools I've got an API to inject arbitrary data into the websocket stream on my todo list, so live updates can be transported without polling.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) Interesting idea, similar to a reverse proxy. As the channel will be very slow we will need to reduce the websocket update frequency, make it configurable or maybe auto-adapt to the current speed. Also, the proxy should cache static assets to speed up first time connects.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The v2 protocol using RC4 encryption is a bad base for this. What's the current encryption on v3/MQTT?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 07.11.18 um 01:50 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some questions/comments:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I guess this is fairly generic. Voltages and temperatures, with possibly a different number of readings for each. Model S has two temperatures, but I guess we                                                           can just treat those as interleaved. Could it be put into a reusable component? Or could we have standard metrics for this now (battery module voltages and temperatures)? Maybe a single component that does all this (functions to set individual voltages and temperatures, define the layout for display, include web interface for chart and table, etc)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I really need to look at integration of extensions to the web interface. See how that is done. For my work on DBC and RE tools, it seems easiest to just create a web interface (rather than messing around with command line).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the registration of commands and metrics, I am not sure if that is done correctly at the moment. In particular in the case a vehicle module is loaded, unloaded, then loaded again.                                                           It seems that RegisterCommand doesn?t do it right, and the metric object creation needs a guard to make sure the metric doesn?t already exist. I will try to tidy this up in Model S code, as a reference, before moving on to Roadster.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I really haven?t used the web                                                           interface much, as it is not available over cellular. I was wondering if it could be encapsulated somehow within the v2/v3 protocol, and made available via the server? Something like https://api.openvehicles.com:8080/VEHICLEID <https://api.openvehicles.com:8080/VEHICLEID> tunnelled through (with authentication at the server level using the normal web server user account). Similarly for SSH access. These are both simple tcp/ip connections, so presumably could be injected into mongoose as fake connections. One possible approach would be SOCKS, and there is some reference code for LWIP <https://github.com/russdill/lwip/commit/dfeba616>. Another is TUN/TAP, again with reference code for LWIP <https://github.com/russdill/lwip/commit/47ca42f8>. And then there is the standard PPP (although that would technically then be PPP within tcp/ip over PPP within async within GSM, which is a bit freaky).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards, Mark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7 Nov 2018, at 4:52 AM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de <mailto:dexter at expeedo.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mark, Tam?s,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've prepared a more or less generalized array version of my Twizy battery chart (OvmsVehicleRenaultTwizy::WebBattMon) for you. Easier to collect the data from actual arrays than separate metrics.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This ZIP?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://dexters-web.de/f/ovms-dev/ovms.zip <https://dexters-web.de/f/ovms-dev/ovms.zip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?contains my local ovms web test/development folder. Unzip it into some local web server (needs to be run via http for javascript), then open the folder from a browser. You should see an OVMS web UI                                                           lookalike.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Config ? CellChart loads "cellchart.htm". The blue button generates and injects test data. Should look like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <eoibkbnkbpofdlab.png>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assuming you'll add some min/max records as well I left that code including the reset button in there. If you can't provide that yet, you can simply set min & max = act in the get_xxx_data functions. Other than that you should basically just need to change the metrics names.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To generate C/C++ syntax from the file, use the script bin/mksrc: "bin/mksrc cellchart.htm >cellchart.cpp". The chart init URL needs to be changed for the production environment (see comment), and the test data generator can be removed. See OvmsVehicleRenaultTwizy::WebBattMon for reference.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe I should add that stuff to the repository as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 06.11.18 um 15:56 schrieb Mark Webb-Johnson:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nice. I just implemented this for Model S using your new metric type.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 96 individual brick voltages for each of the bricks, plus two temperatures for each of the 16 modules.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Works well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1 Nov 2018, at 5:58 PM, Michael Balzer <dexter at expeedo.de <mailto:dexter at expeedo.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tam?s,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been creating separate                                                           metrics for all cell values on the Twizy, but that only has 14 cells.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We discussed this before, a better approach is introducing a new metric class for arrays. I have just done that for you, please pull.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usage example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OvmsMetricVector<float>* vf = new OvmsMetricVector<float>("test.volts", SM_STALE_MIN, Volts);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vf->SetElemValue(3, 1.23);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vf->SetElemValue(17, 2.34);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> float myvals[3] = { 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 };
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vf->SetElemValues(10, 3, myvals);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With this data set, you get:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVMS# met lis test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test.volts                               0,0,0,1.23,0,0,0,0,0,0,5.5,6.6,7.7,0,0,0,0,2.34V
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?and in the web framework:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metrics["test.volts"]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (18) [0, 0, 0, 1.23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.34]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metrics["test.volts"][11]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See template definition in ovms_metrics.h for more.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 31.10.18 um 20:08 schrieb Tam?s Kov?cs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a Peugeot iOn, and i wan't to create own metrics for battery temp (66 piece) and voltage (88 (old) or 80(new) piece) for all cell (and show on web interface), and i don't understand how can i create it. Now my data in array-s from can messages 6E1-6E4.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My git fork: https://github.com/KommyKT/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/tree/peugeot <https://github.com/KommyKT/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/tree/peugeot>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vehicle_mitsubishi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fon 02333 / 833 5735 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
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>>>>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
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>>>>> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
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> Michael Balzer * Helkenberger Weg 9 * D-58256 Ennepetal
> Fon 02333 / 833 5735 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26
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