[Ovmsdev] What causes factory reset?

Stephen Casner casner at acm.org
Thu Jun 21 03:37:14 HKT 2018


Thanks for the prompt reply.

>  1. SDCARD factoryreset.txt
>  2. Hold the program button down for several seconds
>  3. Command-line

I certainly didn't intentionally do 1 or 3.  I do have the module
installed in the 3D-printed case for the v3.0 module that I have
modified with a plastic button extension that allows me to push the
reset button with the module enclosed in the case.  (I mentioned this
a while back; the extension is the plastic part that performed the
same role in a defunct GFCI plug on a hair dryer.)  It is conceivable
that this extension pushed on the program button instead of the reset
button, but that is not likely because of the physical geometry and
the button is still working properly as a reset.

> Maybe not a factory reset but a corrupt config partition? Can you
> try to change config. Then reboot. Then check config is still there?

We don't have any "shutdown" operation to stop the module cleanly, so
after the configuration I just unplugged it from the USB cable thereby
removing power.  Is there some likelihood that /store would not have
been stable?

As I mentioned, when I brought the module back to my desk after it did
not come up in the car, I saw this:

W (550) esp32wifi: AutoInit: factory reset detected, starting public AP net 'OVMS' with password 'OVMSinit'

A full log via USB is attached in case there might be anything
interesting in it.  It shows the session where I did the wizard setup
initially, then the session where I brought it back and found it back
to factory reset, then a third session where I disconnected from power
and plugged back in without loss of the config.

                                                        -- Steve
-------------- next part --------------
auge38> make monitor
--- idf_monitor on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
ho 12 tail 0 room 4
entry 0x400785b0
I (750) spiram: SPI RAM mode: flash 40m sram 40m
I (750) spiram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
I (751) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (755) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x400815a8
0x400815a8: is_initialized at /Users/casner/src/github/esp-idf/components/esp32/./esp_timer.c:400

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1653) spiram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1654) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1654) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (1661) heap_init: At 3FFBC898 len 00023768 (141 KiB): DRAM
I (1667) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1673) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1680) heap_init: At 4009BA2C len 000045D4 (17 KiB): IRAM
I (1686) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1691) spiram: Adding pool of 4096K of external SPI memory to heap allocator
I (36) ovms_main: Set default logging level for * to INFO
I (37) command: Initialising COMMAND (1000)
I (38) boot: Initialising BOOT (1100)
I (41) boot: Power cycle reset detected
I (46) events: Initialising EVENTS (1200)
I (51) config: Initialising CONFIG (1400)
I (56) time: Initialising TIME (1500)
I (60) script: Initialising SCRIPTS (1600)
I (64) script: Using DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (70) metrics: Initialising METRICS (1810)
I (74) metrics: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (84) notify: Initialising NOTIFICATIONS (1820)
I (86) notify: Registered notification type info
I (90) notify: Registered notification type error
I (96) notify: Registered notification type alert
I (101) notify: Registered notification type data
I (106) location: Initialising LOCATIONS (1900)
I (113) location: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (118) vehicle: Initialising VEHICLE Factory (2000)
I (124) pcp: Initialising POWER (4000)
I (128) max7317: Initialising MAX7317 EGPIO (4200)
I (133) sdcard: Initialising SD CARD (4400)
I (138) ota: Initialising OTA (4400)
I (143) can: Initialising CAN (4500)
I (147) simcom: Initialising SIMCOM (4600)
I (152) test: Initialising TEST (5000)
I (156) ovms-module: Initialising MODULE (5100)
I (161) vfs: Initialising VFS (5200)
I (165) ovms-server: Initialising OVMS Server (6000)
I (171) ovms-server-v2: Initialising OVMS V2 Server (6100)
I (177) ovms-server-v3: Initialising OVMS V3 Server (6200)
I (183) obd2ecu: Initialising OBD2ECU (7000)
I (188) canopen: Initialising CANopen (7000)
I (194) esp32wifi: Initialising ESP32WIFI (8000)
I (198) ovms-mdns: Initialising MDNS (8100)
I (203) webserver: Initialising WEBSERVER (8200)
I (210) ssh: Initialising SSH (8300)
I (213) re: Initialising RE Tools (8800)
I (218) netmanager: Initialising NETMANAGER (8999)
I (224) v-voltampera: Registering Vehicle: Volt/Ampera (9000)
I (229) v-track: Registering Vehicle: TRACK (9000)
I (234) v-teslaroadster: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Roadster (9000)
I (241) v-teslamodels: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Model S (9000)
I (248) v-twizy: Registering Vehicle: Renault Twizy (9000)
I (254) v-obdii: Registering Vehicle: OBDII (9000)
I (260) v-none: Registering Vehicle: NONE (9000)
I (265) v-nissanleaf: Registering Vehicle: Nissan Leaf (9000)
I (271) v-kiasoulev: Registering Vehicle: Kia Soul EV (9000)
I (278) v-demo: Registering Vehicle: DEMO (9000)
I (283) version: Initialising Versioning (9900)
I (291) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (380) ovms_main: Executing on CPU core 0
I (380) ovms_main: Mounting CONFIG...
I (410) ovms_main: Configure logging...
W (410) webserver: UpdateGlobalAuthFile: no password set => no auth for web console
I (410) ovms_main: Registering default configs...
I (420) ovms_main: Starting HOUSEKEEPING...
I (420) housekeeping: Initialising HOUSEKEEPING Framework...
I (430) housekeeping: Executing on CPU core 1
I (430) housekeeping: reset_reason: cpu0=1, cpu1=14
I (440) housekeeping: Initialising WATCHDOG...
I (440) housekeeping: Starting PERIPHERALS...
I (450) peripherals: Initialising OVMS Peripherals...
I (460) peripherals:   TCP/IP Adaptor
I (460) peripherals:   ESP32 system
I (460) peripherals:   SPI bus
I (470) peripherals:   MAX7317 I/O Expander
I (470) peripherals:   ESP32 CAN
I (480) peripherals:   ESP32 WIFI
I (490) peripherals:   ESP32 ADC
I (490) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 1/2
I (500) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 2/2
I (510) peripherals:   SD CARD
I (510) peripherals:   SIMCOM MODEM
I (510) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (520) gpio: GPIO[4]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (530) uart: queue free spaces: 10
I (530) ext12v: Powering off external 12V devices
I (540) housekeeping: Auto init ext12v (free: 201192 bytes)
I (540) housekeeping: Auto init wifi (free: 201192 bytes)
W (550) esp32wifi: AutoInit: factory reset detected, starting public AP net 'OVMS' with password 'OVMSinit'
I (560) esp32wifi: Powering up WIFI driver
I (560) wifi: wifi firmware version: c25fd80
I (570) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled
I (570) wifi: config nano formating: disabled
I (570) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (580) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (600) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16
I (600) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (600) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (600) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffcff30, prio:23, stack:4096
I (610) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 4
I (610) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (1430) phy: phy_version: 386.0, 67c798f, Mar 14 2018, 16:34:06, 0, 0
I (1430) wifi: mode : softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (1430) housekeeping: Auto init modem (free: 185776 bytes)
I (1440) housekeeping: Auto init vehicle (free: 185412 bytes)
I (1440) housekeeping: Auto init obd2ecu (free: 185412 bytes)
I (1450) housekeeping: Auto init server v2 (free: 185412 bytes)
I (1460) housekeeping: Auto init server v3 (free: 185412 bytes)
I (1460) housekeeping: Auto init done (free: 185412 bytes)
I (1470) housekeeping: Starting USB console...
I (1470) uart: queue free spaces: 30

Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
Firmware: 3.1.006/factory/main
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1
I (1490) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (1500) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: OVMS, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:

I (1510) simcom: State: Enter CheckPowerOff state
I (1510) ovms-mdns: Starting MDNS
I (1540) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (1540) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (6530) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (6530) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (6540) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (10440) housekeeping: System considered stable (RAM: 8b=113788-156968 32b=17160)
I (12540) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (12540) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (12540) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (15440) simcom: State timeout, transition to 13
I (15440) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOff state
I (15440) gsm-mux: Stop MUX
I (48010) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (48010) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (48010) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (54020) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (54020) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (54020) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (65040) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (65040) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (65040) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (71050) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (71050) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (71050) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (81060) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (81060) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (81060) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (87060) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (87060) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (87070) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (144240) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (144240) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (144240) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (150250) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (150250) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (150250) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (300440) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:05:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-157016 32b=17160)
I (482600) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (482600) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (482600) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (482600) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (482600) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (482610) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (488610) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (488610) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (488610) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (600440) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:10:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-157016 32b=17160)
I (607460) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (607460) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 join, AID=1, bgn, 20
I (607460) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (613460) wifi: station: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63 leave, AID = 1
I (613460) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (613470) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 78:9f:70:a7:94:63
I (638180) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (638180) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (638180) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (659440) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (659520) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (659520) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (659810) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (660430) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (660440) webserver: HTTP GET /home
I (711850) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (711850) webserver: CfgInit enter 1
I (871960) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (871960) webserver: CfgInit enter 1
I (871960) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 1 timeout 0
I (884990) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (884990) webserver: CfgInit enter 1
I (884990) webserver: CfgInit1: starting test: AP 'US33'
I (885050) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 1.test.start timeout 5
I (885440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.start timeout in 5 seconds
I (889440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.start timeout
I (889440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1: starting wifi AP 'US33'
I (889440) esp32wifi: Stopping WIFI station
I (889440) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 leave, AID = 1
I (889440) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (889460) wifi: flush txq
I (889460) wifi: stop sw txq
I (889460) wifi: lmac stop hw txq
I (890220) wifi: mode : softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (890230) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 1.test.connect timeout 300
I (890230) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (890230) netmanager: WIFI access point is down
I (890230) esp32wifi: AP stopped
I (890240) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (890340) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:
I (890340) webserver: Stopping Web Server
I (890340) ssh: Stopping SSH Server
I (890340) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (890360) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (890440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 300 seconds
I (895440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 295 seconds
I (900440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 290 seconds
I (900440) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:15:02 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-155520 32b=17160)
I (905440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 285 seconds
I (910440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 280 seconds
I (915440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 275 seconds
I (920440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 270 seconds
I (921930) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (921930) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (921930) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (925440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 265 seconds
I (930440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 260 seconds
I (935440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 255 seconds
I (940440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 250 seconds
I (945440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 245 seconds
I (949250) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (949270) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (949270) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (949380) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (949500) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (950440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 240 seconds
I (955440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 235 seconds
I (958470) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (958470) webserver: HandleLogin: 'admin' logged in, sid 167081b7c95afeee
I (958770) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (958770) webserver: CfgInit enter 1.test.connect
I (958770) webserver: CfgInit1: AP test succeeded
I (958770) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2 timeout 0
I (958790) webserver: CfgInit next: 2
I (958790) webserver: HTTP GET /menu
OVMS# metric list
m.freeram                                4264200
m.hardware                               OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1
m.monotonic                              1105Sec
m.net.sq                                 0dBm
m.net.type                               none
m.serial                                 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28
m.tasks                                  15
m.version                                3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31)
v.b.12v.voltage                          0V
v.b.12v.voltage.ref                      12.6V
I (1200440) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:20:03 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-154160 32b=17160)
I (1431870) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (1431870) webserver: CfgInit enter 2
I (1431910) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2.test.start timeout 5
I (1432440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.start timeout in 5 seconds
I (1436440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.start timeout
I (1436440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2: starting wifi APCLIENT 'US33' / 'Revelstoke'
I (1436440) esp32wifi: Stopping WIFI station
I (1436440) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 leave, AID = 1
I (1436440) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (1436460) wifi: flush txq
I (1436460) wifi: stop sw txq
I (1436460) wifi: lmac stop hw txq
I (1436470) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:43:9c:28) + softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (1436480) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2.test.connect timeout 20
I (1436490) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (1436490) netmanager: WIFI access point is down
I (1436490) esp32wifi: AP stopped
I (1436490) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (1436540) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:
I (1436540) webserver: Stopping Web Server
I (1436540) ssh: Stopping SSH Server
I (1436540) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (1436560) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (1437440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 20 seconds
I (1439200) wifi: ap channel adjust o:1,1 n:7,2
I (1439200) wifi: n:7 0, o:1 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (1439960) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (1439970) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (1439980) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (1440030) wifi: connected with Revelstoke, channel 7
I (1440030) wifi: pm start, type: 1
I (1441620) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (1441620) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (1441630) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (1441630) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (1441630) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (1441630) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (1441630) esp32wifi: STA got IP with SSID: Revelstoke, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (1441630) time: Starting SNTP client
I (1442440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 15 seconds
I (1447440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 10 seconds
I (1452440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 5 seconds
I (1456440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout
I (1456970) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2: success, proceeding to step 3
I (1456970) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 3 timeout 0
I (1500440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 06:43:22 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-154708 32b=17160)
I (1780850) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (1780850) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (1780860) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (1800440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 06:48:22 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-154656 32b=17160)
I (1825870) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (1825880) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (1825900) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (1825910) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (1826020) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (1826120) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (1826130) webserver: CfgInit enter 3
I (1973110) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (1973110) webserver: CfgInit enter 3
I (1973140) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 3.update timeout 0
I (1973610) webserver: CfgInit3: firmware up to date, proceeding to step 4
I (1973610) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4 timeout 0
I (1973620) webserver: CfgInit next: 4
I (2006720) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (2006730) webserver: CfgInit enter 4
I (2006760) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.start timeout 3
I (2007060) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2007070) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2007070) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4241256 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2007070) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817144]: 4242848 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2009440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4.test.start timeout
I (2009440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4: setting vehicle type 'TR'
I (2009440) v-teslaroadster: Tesla Roadster v1.x, v2.x and v3.0 vehicle module
I (2009450) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.start timeout 3
I (2009790) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2009790) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f815e00]: 4241752 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2011860) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2011860) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f815e00]: 4241468 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2012440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4.test.start timeout
I (2012440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4: start server v2 for host 'api.openvehicles.com'
I (2012440) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server V2 registered metric modifier is #2
I (2012440) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server has been started
I (2012440) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server v2 running
I (2012440) ovms-server-v2: Connection is api.openvehicles.com:6867 US33
I (2012440) ovms-server-v2: Status: Connecting...
I (2012470) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.connect timeout 0
I (2012610) ovms-server-v2: Connection successful
I (2012610) ovms-server-v2: Status: Logging in...
I (2012610) ovms-server-v2: Sending server login: MP-C 0 mGv+rPdbqDNeZQyxrK/M1n KKW8oBTGoVnOWq3OMFMMBw== US33
I (2012940) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2012940) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2012950) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2012950) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8188f4]: 4215276 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2012950) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818db4]: 4218460 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2012960) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816b5c]: 4218460 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2014560) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2014560) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8180cc]: 4233756 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2015450) ovms-server-v2: Got server response: MP-S 0 9GrD1+Hvlnj3Z9cT9J7TrL 2Sfo36wcsqCl+rfEAj2RAA==
I (2015450) ovms-server-v2: Server token is 9GrD1+Hvlnj3Z9cT9J7TrL and digest is 2Sfo36wcsqCl+rfEAj2RAA==
I (2015460) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server authentication ok. Now priming crypto.
I (2015460) ovms-server-v2: Shared secret key is 9GrD1+Hvlnj3Z9cT9J7TrLmGv+rPdbqDNeZQyxrK/M1n (44 bytes)
I (2015460) ovms-server-v2: Status: OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established
I (2015480) ovms-server-v2: Incoming Msg: MP-0 Z0
I (2016440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (2016440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (2016450) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 L0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (2016450) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 W0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (2016450) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 F3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31),,0,1,TR,Revelstoke
I (2016760) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2016760) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4232112 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2019560) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2019570) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233544 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2021570) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2021570) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4231552 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2024570) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2024580) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233108 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2026580) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2026580) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4229384 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2029580) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2029580) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818ca8]: 4231384 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2031580) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2031590) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4229336 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2034580) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2034590) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4234700 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2036610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2036610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233040 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2039600) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2039610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4229404 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2041590) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2041600) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4229340 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2044600) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2044600) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4234704 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2046600) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2046600) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4234652 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2049610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2049610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233112 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2051610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2051610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233060 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2054610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2054610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4234708 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2056610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2056610) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4231108 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2059610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2059620) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4234704 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2061610) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2061620) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4233048 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2064620) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2064620) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4231520 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2066620) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2066620) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4231452 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (2067940) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (2067940) webserver: CfgInit enter 4.test.connect
I (2067960) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 5 timeout 0
I (2068000) webserver: CfgInit next: 5
I (2068980) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2068990) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816b70]: 4231680 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (2100440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 06:53:25 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-144328 32b=17160)
I (2306660) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2306670) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4235080 bytes free, executing: power simcom on
I (2306670) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (2306670) simcom: Power Cycle
I (2313440) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
OVMS# metric list
m.freeram                                4245436
m.hardware                               OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1
m.monotonic                              2329Sec
m.net.mdm.iccid                          8944501805175416178
m.net.mdm.model                          35316B07SIM5360A
m.net.provider                           Revelstoke
m.net.sq                                 0dBm
m.net.type                               wifi
m.serial                                 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28
m.tasks                                  16
m.version                                3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31)
s.v2.connected                           yes
s.v2.peers                               0
v.b.12v.voltage                          0V
v.b.12v.voltage.ref                      12.6V
v.b.consumption                          0Wh/km
v.c.time                                 0Sec
v.e.drivetime                            0Sec
v.e.parktime                             320Sec
v.type                                   TR
I (2333460) simcom: State: Enter MuxStart state
I (2333460) gsm-mux: Start MUX
I (2333470) gsm-mux: Channel #0 is open
I (2333480) gsm-mux: Channel #1 is open
I (2333480) gsm-mux: Channel #2 is open
I (2333490) gsm-mux: Channel #3 is open
I (2333500) gsm-mux: Channel #4 is open
I (2334440) simcom: State: Enter NetWait state
I (2335440) simcom: State: Enter NetHold state
I (2359880) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (2359880) webserver: CfgInit enter 5
I (2359920) webserver: CfgInit5: starting test
I (2359920) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 5.test.start timeout 3
I (2360140) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2360150) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4230668 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2362440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 5.test.start timeout
I (2362440) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 5: modem enter state NetStart
I (2362440) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (2363570) simcom: PPP Connection is ready to start
I (2364200) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2364210) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4230800 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2364440) simcom: State: Enter NetMode state
I (2364440) gsm-ppp: Initialising...
I (2365440) simcom: Lost network connection (NetworkRegistration in NetMode)
I (2365440) simcom: State: Enter NetLoss state
I (2365440) gsm-ppp: Shutting down (hard)...
I (2365440) gsm-ppp: PPP is shutdown
I (2365450) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (2365450) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (2365450) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (2365450) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (2366270) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2366280) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2366280) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2366290) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819eb8]: 4209452 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2366290) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4209452 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2366290) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b3bc]: 4208048 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2371290) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2371300) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817e6c]: 4224800 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2374440) simcom: State timeout, transition to 5
I (2374440) simcom: State: Enter NetWait state
I (2375300) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2375310) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2375310) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a708]: 4215540 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2375310) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a248]: 4215540 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2376760) gsm-ppp: StatusCallBack: User Interrupt
I (2376760) gsm-ppp: PPP connection has been closed
I (2376760) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (2376760) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (2376760) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (2376760) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (2377220) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2377230) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223820 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2381300) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2381310) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223600 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2384500) simcom: CREG Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
I (2385440) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (2386210) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2386210) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223340 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2386530) simcom: PPP Connection is ready to start
I (2387440) simcom: State: Enter NetMode state
I (2387440) gsm-ppp: Initialising...
I (2390320) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2390330) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2390330) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81aa28]: 4214544 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2390330) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a568]: 4213188 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2390630) gsm-ppp: StatusCallBack: None
I (2390630) gsm-ppp: status_cb: Connected
I (2390630) gsm-ppp:    our_ipaddr  =
I (2390630) gsm-ppp:    his_ipaddr  =
I (2390630) gsm-ppp:    netmask     =
I (2390630) gsm-ppp:    our6_ipaddr = ::
I (2390640) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (2390640) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (2390640) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (2390640) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (2390640) netmanager: MODEM up (with WIFI client up): staying with WIFI client priority
I (2394280) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2394280) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223432 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2398330) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2398340) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223080 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2400440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 06:58:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-140136 32b=17160)
I (2403330) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2403340) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223432 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2408340) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2408340) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223084 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2413340) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2413350) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223080 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2418350) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2418350) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223084 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2423350) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2423350) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223084 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2428450) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2428460) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4221724 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2433360) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2433370) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223440 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2438370) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2438370) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223080 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2443380) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2443380) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223084 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2448380) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2448380) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a1ac]: 4220276 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2453390) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2453390) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a1ac]: 4219924 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2458400) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2458400) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223120 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2463410) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2463410) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4223472 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2468410) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2468410) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a1ac]: 4220276 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2473410) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2473410) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4223120 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2478410) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2478420) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4223120 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2483420) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2483420) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4223472 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2488430) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2488430) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816a94]: 4223468 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2493440) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2493450) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4219772 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2498460) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2498460) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4223476 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2503450) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2503450) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4221880 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2508450) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (2508450) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f819b98]: 4225072 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (2509100) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (2509100) webserver: CfgInit enter 5.test.start
I (2509120) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step done timeout 0
I (2509130) webserver: CfgInit next: done
I (2531900) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (2586960) wifi: station: 60:03:08:9a:32:80 leave, AID = 1
I (2586960) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (2586970) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 60:03:08:9a:32:80
I (2617440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (2617440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,608,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (2700440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 07:03:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-141464 32b=17160)
I (3000440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 07:08:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-136504 32b=17160)
OVMS# vfs ls /store
[DIR]     01-Jan-1980 00:00  ovms_config/
     83   01-Jan-1980 00:14  .htpasswd
I (3218440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (3218440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,1209,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (3300440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 07:13:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-136448 32b=17160)
OVMS# config list
auto                 Auto init configuration
http.server          Webserver
locations            Geo Locations
log                  Logging configuration
modem                Modem Configuration
module               Module configuration
network              Network Configuration
notify               Notification filters
obd2ecu              OBD2ECU configuration
obd2ecu.map          OBD2ECU metric map
ota                  OTA setup and status
password             Password store
sdcard               SD CARD configuration
server.v2            V2 Server Configuration
server.v3            V3 Server Configuration
ssh.info             SSH server information
ssh.keys             SSH public key store
ssh.server           SSH server private key store
system.adc           ADC configuration
vehicle              Vehicle
wifi.ap              WIFI Access Point
wifi.ssid            WIFI SSID
OVMS# config list ssh.keys
ssh.keys (readable writeable)
OVMS# config 
list rm set 
OVMS# config set ssh.keys casner AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5J9XLTz9D+UjvVNk/2mi+nM4iab9SyUTduS6MxeNYZQxBBaHGjo81xMbJDCJjWyMkT83eMUVFkAIaPUA6V2uXC6p5jcbf4NCnkXlXd36tIZaZKjTz8k46Z1uvlnUTzmJYhdT3Wewtn9RIp4L8szYWd34hGuTnMQsfS2NtHyHUVPRQdSLUztnNPbAjTt8vnn4fsI824uGJN43bJJZV1/WvBJxmaEVMypCM7g4hyU7whneXQAUSn5FJmghRFd+yvpWjX8T9vXpwnmWzKA0aeBP6+65lJXkDSHFPy9J4lFmN1ueM3A4or9di7syXjziRp/qW/y8yL0iONu8Da1R7NPDX
Parameter has been set.
OVMS# mo m
Free 8-bit 136056/280632, 32-bit 1572/17828, SPIRAM 4082044/4194252
main*             11408      0      0   1320     +11408     +0     +0  +1320
OVMS NetMan*        956      0      0    392       +956     +0     +0   +392
no task*           5348      0      0      0      +5348     +0     +0     +0
esp_timer         28140      0    644  39016     +28140     +0   +644 +39016
OVMS Events       69036      0      0  17148     +69036     +0     +0 +17148
ipc0               7776      0      0      0      +7776     +0     +0     +0
ipc1                 12      0      0      0        +12     +0     +0     +0
Tmr Svc              88      0      0      0        +88     +0     +0     +0
tiT                1132      0      0   6504      +1132     +0     +0  +6504
OVMS SIMCOM        3680      0      0    236      +3680     +0     +0   +236
wifi               1724      0      0   3592      +1724     +0     +0  +3592
OVMS Console        616      0  15488  12084       +616     +0 +15488 +12084
mdns                108      0      0      4       +108     +0     +0     +4
OVMS NetMan        5104      0      0   5672      +5104     +0     +0  +5672
I (3600440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 07:18:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-136052 32b=1572)
I (3819440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (3819440) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,1810,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (3900440) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 07:23:27 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-136052 32b=1572)
OVMS# vfs ls /sd
Error: VFS cannot open directory listing for that directory
.                    Run a script
boot                 BOOT framework
can                  CAN framework
charge               Charging framework
co                   CANopen framework
config               CONFIG framework
disable              Leave secure mode
egpio                EGPIO framework
enable               Enter secure mode
event                EVENT framework
exit                 End console session
help                 Ask for help
homelink             Activate specified homelink button
location             LOCATION framework
lock                 Lock vehicle
log                  LOG framework
metrics              METRICS framework
module               MODULE framework
network              NETWORK framework
notify               NOTIFICATION framework
obdii                OBDII framework
ota                  OTA framework
power                Power control
re                   RE framework
script               Run a script
sd                   SD CARD framework
server               OVMS Server Connection framework
simcom               SIMCOM framework
stat                 Show vehicle status
store                STORE framework
test                 Test framework
time                 TIME framework
unlock               Unlock vehicle
unvalet              Deactivate valet mode
valet                Activate valet mode
vehicle              Vehicle framework
vfs                  VFS framework
wakeup               Wake up vehicle
wifi                 WIFI framework
OVMS# sd 
mount status unmount 
OVMS# sd status
SD CARD is not inserted
OVMS# sd status
SD CARD is not inserted
I (4038440) sdcard: SD CARD has been inserted
I (4038710) sdcard: mount done
OVMS# sd status
SD CARD is inserted
Status: available
Size:  30424 MB
Free:  29048 MB

Card type: SDHC/SDXC
Max speed: 25000 kHz
Capacity: 30436 MB
CSD: ver=1, sector_size=512, capacity=62333952 read_bl_len=9
SCR: sd_spec=2, bus_width=5
I (4148400) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (4148840) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (4148840) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (4149040) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (4151420) webserver: HTTP GET /home
I (4155470) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (4160180) webserver: HTTP POST /status
I (4160190) webserver: HandleLogin: 'admin' logged in, sid a2a9da2b47d8cbf
I (4160790) webserver: HTTP GET /menu
I (4161000) webserver: HTTP GET /status

************ Here module was disconnected to install in car. ****************
************ Didn't come up, so brought back to desktop. ****************

auge41> make monitor
--- idf_monitor on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
ho 12 tail 0 room 4
entry 0x400785b0
I (750) spiram: SPI RAM mode: flash 40m sram 40m
I (750) spiram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
I (751) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (755) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x400815a8
0x400815a8: is_initialized at /Users/casner/src/github/esp-idf/components/esp32/./esp_timer.c:400

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1653) spiram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1654) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1654) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (1661) heap_init: At 3FFBC898 len 00023768 (141 KiB): DRAM
I (1666) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1673) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1680) heap_init: At 4009BA2C len 000045D4 (17 KiB): IRAM
I (1686) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1691) spiram: Adding pool of 4096K of external SPI memory to heap allocator
I (36) ovms_main: Set default logging level for * to INFO
I (37) command: Initialising COMMAND (1000)
I (38) boot: Initialising BOOT (1100)
I (41) boot: Power cycle reset detected
I (46) events: Initialising EVENTS (1200)
I (51) config: Initialising CONFIG (1400)
I (56) time: Initialising TIME (1500)
I (60) script: Initialising SCRIPTS (1600)
I (64) script: Using DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (70) metrics: Initialising METRICS (1810)
I (74) metrics: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (83) notify: Initialising NOTIFICATIONS (1820)
I (86) notify: Registered notification type info
I (90) notify: Registered notification type error
I (96) notify: Registered notification type alert
I (101) notify: Registered notification type data
I (106) location: Initialising LOCATIONS (1900)
I (112) location: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (118) vehicle: Initialising VEHICLE Factory (2000)
I (124) pcp: Initialising POWER (4000)
I (127) max7317: Initialising MAX7317 EGPIO (4200)
I (133) sdcard: Initialising SD CARD (4400)
I (138) ota: Initialising OTA (4400)
I (143) can: Initialising CAN (4500)
I (147) simcom: Initialising SIMCOM (4600)
I (152) test: Initialising TEST (5000)
I (156) ovms-module: Initialising MODULE (5100)
I (161) vfs: Initialising VFS (5200)
I (165) ovms-server: Initialising OVMS Server (6000)
I (171) ovms-server-v2: Initialising OVMS V2 Server (6100)
I (177) ovms-server-v3: Initialising OVMS V3 Server (6200)
I (183) obd2ecu: Initialising OBD2ECU (7000)
I (188) canopen: Initialising CANopen (7000)
I (194) esp32wifi: Initialising ESP32WIFI (8000)
I (198) ovms-mdns: Initialising MDNS (8100)
I (203) webserver: Initialising WEBSERVER (8200)
I (210) ssh: Initialising SSH (8300)
I (213) re: Initialising RE Tools (8800)
I (218) netmanager: Initialising NETMANAGER (8999)
I (224) v-voltampera: Registering Vehicle: Volt/Ampera (9000)
I (229) v-track: Registering Vehicle: TRACK (9000)
I (234) v-teslaroadster: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Roadster (9000)
I (241) v-teslamodels: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Model S (9000)
I (248) v-twizy: Registering Vehicle: Renault Twizy (9000)
I (254) v-obdii: Registering Vehicle: OBDII (9000)
I (260) v-none: Registering Vehicle: NONE (9000)
I (265) v-nissanleaf: Registering Vehicle: Nissan Leaf (9000)
I (271) v-kiasoulev: Registering Vehicle: Kia Soul EV (9000)
I (278) v-demo: Registering Vehicle: DEMO (9000)
I (283) version: Initialising Versioning (9900)
I (291) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (359) ovms_main: Executing on CPU core 0
I (359) ovms_main: Mounting CONFIG...
I (399) ovms_main: Configure logging...
I (399) ovms_main: Registering default configs...
W (399) webserver: UpdateGlobalAuthFile: no password set => no auth for web console
I (399) ovms_main: Starting HOUSEKEEPING...
I (409) housekeeping: Initialising HOUSEKEEPING Framework...
I (419) housekeeping: Executing on CPU core 1
I (419) housekeeping: reset_reason: cpu0=1, cpu1=14
I (419) housekeeping: Initialising WATCHDOG...
I (429) housekeeping: Starting PERIPHERALS...
I (429) peripherals: Initialising OVMS Peripherals...
I (439) peripherals:   TCP/IP Adaptor
I (439) peripherals:   ESP32 system
I (449) peripherals:   SPI bus
I (449) peripherals:   MAX7317 I/O Expander
I (459) peripherals:   ESP32 CAN
I (459) peripherals:   ESP32 WIFI
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 ADC
I (469) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 1/2
I (479) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 2/2
I (489) peripherals:   SD CARD
I (489) peripherals:   SIMCOM MODEM
I (489) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (499) gpio: GPIO[4]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (509) uart: queue free spaces: 10
I (509) ext12v: Powering off external 12V devices
I (519) housekeeping: Auto init ext12v (free: 201040 bytes)
I (519) housekeeping: Auto init wifi (free: 201040 bytes)
W (529) esp32wifi: AutoInit: factory reset detected, starting public AP net 'OVMS' with password 'OVMSinit'
I (539) esp32wifi: Powering up WIFI driver
I (539) wifi: wifi firmware version: c25fd80
I (549) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled
I (549) wifi: config nano formating: disabled
I (549) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (559) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (579) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffcffc8, prio:23, stack:4096
I (589) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 4
I (589) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (1409) phy: phy_version: 386.0, 67c798f, Mar 14 2018, 16:34:06, 0, 0
I (1409) wifi: mode : softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (1409) housekeeping: Auto init modem (free: 185624 bytes)
I (1409) housekeeping: Auto init vehicle (free: 185372 bytes)
I (1419) housekeeping: Auto init obd2ecu (free: 185264 bytes)
I (1429) housekeeping: Auto init server v2 (free: 185264 bytes)
I (1429) housekeeping: Auto init server v3 (free: 185264 bytes)
I (1439) housekeeping: Auto init done (free: 185264 bytes)
I (1449) housekeeping: Starting USB console...
I (1449) uart: queue free spaces: 30
I (1459) netmanager: WIFI access point is up

Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
Firmware: 3.1.006/factory/main
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1
I (1469) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: OVMS, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:

I (1489) simcom: State: Enter CheckPowerOff state
I (1489) ovms-mdns: Starting MDNS
I (1519) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (1529) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (5419) sdcard: SD CARD has been inserted
I (5509) sdcard: mount done
I (10419) housekeeping: System considered stable (RAM: 8b=113788-149268 32b=17160)
I (15419) simcom: State timeout, transition to 13
I (15419) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOff state
I (15419) gsm-mux: Stop MUX
I (300419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:05:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (600419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 00:10:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (4500419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 01:15:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (19200419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 05:20:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (26400419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 07:20:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (30300419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:25:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (30600419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:30:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (30900419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:35:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (31200419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:40:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (31500419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:45:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (31800419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:50:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (32100419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 08:55:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (32400419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 09:00:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (32700419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 09:05:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (33000419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 09:10:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (36900419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 10:15:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (37800419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 10:30:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (38100419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 10:35:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (38400419) housekeeping: 1970-01-01 10:40:00 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-149212 32b=17160)
I (38427519) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (38427519) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (38427519) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (38473549) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (38474469) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (38474539) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (38474549) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (38475119) webserver: HTTP GET /home
I (38480939) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38480939) webserver: CfgInit enter 1
I (38516579) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38516579) webserver: CfgInit enter 1
I (38516579) webserver: CfgInit1: starting test: AP 'US33'
I (38516599) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 1.test.start timeout 5
I (38517419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.start timeout in 5 seconds
I (38521419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.start timeout
I (38521419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1: starting wifi AP 'US33'
I (38521419) esp32wifi: Stopping WIFI station
I (38521419) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 leave, AID = 1
I (38521419) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (38521439) wifi: flush txq
I (38521439) wifi: stop sw txq
I (38521439) wifi: lmac stop hw txq
I (38522199) wifi: mode : softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (38522209) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 1.test.connect timeout 300
I (38522209) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (38522209) netmanager: WIFI access point is down
I (38522209) esp32wifi: AP stopped
I (38522209) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (38522369) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:
I (38522369) webserver: Stopping Web Server
I (38522369) ssh: Stopping SSH Server
I (38522369) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (38522379) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (38522419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 300 seconds
I (38527419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 295 seconds
I (38532419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 290 seconds
I (38537419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 285 seconds
I (38542419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 280 seconds
I (38547419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 275 seconds
I (38552139) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (38552139) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (38552149) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (38552419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 270 seconds
I (38557419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 265 seconds
I (38562419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 260 seconds
I (38562869) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (38563129) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (38563159) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (38563159) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (38563669) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38567419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 255 seconds
I (38572419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 1.test.connect timeout in 250 seconds
I (38576769) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38576769) webserver: HandleLogin: 'admin' logged in, sid 9465faa53583d19a
I (38576849) webserver: HTTP GET /menu
I (38576899) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38576899) webserver: CfgInit enter 1.test.connect
I (38576899) webserver: CfgInit1: AP test succeeded
I (38576899) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2 timeout 0
I (38576899) webserver: CfgInit next: 2
I (38659809) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38659809) webserver: CfgInit enter 2
I (38659829) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2.test.start timeout 5
I (38660419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.start timeout in 5 seconds
I (38664419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.start timeout
I (38664419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2: starting wifi APCLIENT 'US33' / 'Revelstoke'
I (38664419) esp32wifi: Stopping WIFI station
I (38664419) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 leave, AID = 1
I (38664419) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:255 255, prof:1
I (38664439) wifi: flush txq
I (38664439) wifi: stop sw txq
I (38664439) wifi: lmac stop hw txq
I (38664449) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:43:9c:28) + softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (38664459) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 2.test.connect timeout 20
I (38664479) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (38664479) netmanager: WIFI access point is down
I (38664479) esp32wifi: AP stopped
I (38664479) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (38664629) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:
I (38664629) webserver: Stopping Web Server
I (38664629) ssh: Stopping SSH Server
I (38664629) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (38664639) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (38664919) wifi: n:1 0, o:1 0, ap:1 1, sta:0 0, prof:1
I (38664919) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (38664919) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (38665419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 20 seconds
I (38667409) wifi: switch to channel 7
I (38667409) wifi: ap channel adjust o:1,1 n:7,2
I (38667409) wifi: n:7 0, o:1 0, ap:7 2, sta:0 0, prof:1
I (38667409) wifi: n:7 2, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (38668169) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (38668179) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (38668179) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (38668219) wifi: connected with Revelstoke, channel 7
I (38668219) wifi: pm start, type: 1
I (38669779) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (38669779) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (38669779) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (38669779) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (38669779) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (38669779) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (38669779) esp32wifi: STA got IP with SSID: Revelstoke, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (38669779) time: Starting SNTP client
I (38669949) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (38670119) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (38670209) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (38670219) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (38670419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 15 seconds
I (38670539) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38670549) webserver: CfgInit enter 2.test.connect
I (38675419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 10 seconds
I (38680419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout in 5 seconds
I (38680789) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (38680869) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (38680879) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (38680939) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (38681179) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38681179) webserver: CfgInit enter 2.test.connect
I (38684419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2.test.connect timeout
I (38685919) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 2: success, proceeding to step 3
I (38685919) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 3 timeout 0
I (38691079) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (38691239) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (38691259) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (38691279) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (38691589) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/init
I (38691589) webserver: CfgInit enter 3
I (38700419) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 18:28:14 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-145324 32b=17160)
I (38703969) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38703969) webserver: CfgInit enter 3
I (38703979) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 3.update timeout 0
I (38704489) webserver: CfgInit3: firmware up to date, proceeding to step 4
I (38704489) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4 timeout 0
I (38704499) webserver: CfgInit next: 4
I (38728809) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38728809) webserver: CfgInit enter 4
I (38728859) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.start timeout 3
I (38729659) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38729659) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816850]: 4236476 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (38729929) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38729939) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f816134]: 4239400 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (38731419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4.test.start timeout
I (38731419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4: setting vehicle type 'TR'
I (38731419) v-teslaroadster: Tesla Roadster v1.x, v2.x and v3.0 vehicle module
I (38731429) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.start timeout 3
I (38731599) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38731599) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817d34]: 4228212 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (38734419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4.test.start timeout
I (38734419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 4: start server v2 for host 'api.openvehicles.com'
I (38734419) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server V2 registered metric modifier is #3
I (38734419) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server has been started
I (38734419) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server v2 running
I (38734419) ovms-server-v2: Connection is api.openvehicles.com:6867 US33
I (38734419) ovms-server-v2: Status: Connecting...
I (38734449) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 4.test.connect timeout 0
I (38734599) ovms-server-v2: Connection successful
I (38734599) ovms-server-v2: Status: Logging in...
I (38734599) ovms-server-v2: Sending server login: MP-C 0 6MCG2hl2ybnVDx7jfSRHqw STGI9JUlssJfRDp/8XpV2g== US33
I (38734669) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38734669) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38734679) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38734679) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38734689) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38734689) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38734849) ovms-server-v2: Got server response: MP-S 0 eKRr+BxGAOfVkdLFY3PF6w +Fzc9WP+Ckgk6c16IaC1kg==
I (38734849) ovms-server-v2: Server token is eKRr+BxGAOfVkdLFY3PF6w and digest is +Fzc9WP+Ckgk6c16IaC1kg==
I (38734859) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server authentication ok. Now priming crypto.
I (38734859) ovms-server-v2: Shared secret key is eKRr+BxGAOfVkdLFY3PF6w6MCG2hl2ybnVDx7jfSRHqw (44 bytes)
I (38734859) ovms-server-v2: Status: OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established
I (38734869) ovms-server-v2: Incoming Msg: MP-0 Z0
I (38734969) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38734969) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38734979) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a538]: 4207076 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (38734979) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81acc8]: 4206888 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (38735269) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38735269) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38735419) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (38735419) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (38735429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 L0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (38735429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 W0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (38735429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 F3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31),,0,1,TR,Revelstoke
I (38736939) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38736939) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818e8c]: 4219076 bytes free, executing: vehicle status
I (38740209) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38740209) webserver: CfgInit enter 4.test.connect
I (38740219) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 5 timeout 0
I (38740229) webserver: CfgInit next: 5
I (38740329) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38740329) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818e8c]: 4214152 bytes free, executing: server v2 status
I (38750979) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38750979) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817658]: 4218776 bytes free, executing: power simcom on
I (38750989) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (38750989) simcom: Power Cycle
I (38751279) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38751279) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38757589) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (38757799) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38757799) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38759049) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38759059) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817f08]: 4218780 bytes free, executing: power simcom on
I (38774419) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38774419) webserver: CfgInit enter 5
I (38774479) webserver: CfgInit5: starting test
I (38774479) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step 5.test.start timeout 3
I (38775719) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38775719) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817dd4]: 4221404 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38777419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 5.test.start timeout
I (38777419) webserver: CfgInitTicker: step 5: modem enter state NetStart
I (38777419) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (38777579) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38777589) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a204]: 4218000 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38777699) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38777699) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38782309) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38782319) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818dbc]: 4221180 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38787319) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38787319) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818dbc]: 4221180 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38792329) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38792339) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818dbc]: 4220828 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38797339) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38797339) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818100]: 4221180 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38802339) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38802339) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818100]: 4220828 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38807349) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38807349) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818100]: 4221180 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38807419) simcom: State timeout, transition to 14
I (38807419) simcom: State: Enter PowerOffOn state
I (38807419) gsm-ppp: Shutdown (direct)
I (38807419) gsm-nmea: Shutdown (direct)
I (38807419) gsm-mux: Stop MUX
I (38807419) simcom: Power Cycle
I (38808419) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (38808419) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (38808429) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (38808429) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (38808679) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38808679) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a204]: 4217984 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38808829) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38808829) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38810419) simcom: State timeout, transition to 2
I (38810419) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (38810419) simcom: Power Cycle
I (38811659) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38811659) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818a70]: 4217972 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38811789) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38811789) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38816289) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (38816359) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38816359) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8180f8]: 4219024 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38816369) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38816379) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818a70]: 4213928 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38816489) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38816489) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38821349) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38821349) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81966c]: 4221172 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38826359) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38826359) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81966c]: 4221172 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38831359) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38831359) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81966c]: 4221172 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38835419) simcom: State: Enter MuxStart state
I (38835419) gsm-mux: Start MUX
I (38835429) gsm-mux: Channel #0 is open
I (38835439) gsm-mux: Channel #1 is open
I (38835439) gsm-mux: Channel #2 is open
I (38835449) gsm-mux: Channel #3 is open
I (38835449) gsm-mux: Channel #4 is open
I (38835739) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38835739) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a204]: 4213940 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38835849) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38835849) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38836419) simcom: State: Enter NetWait state
I (38836669) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38836669) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38836769) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38836769) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817dd4]: 4217136 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38841369) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38841379) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f817dd4]: 4217136 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38846379) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38846379) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8181c8]: 4215200 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38846459) simcom: CREG Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
I (38847419) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (38847719) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38847719) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81a204]: 4213900 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38847839) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38847839) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38848579) simcom: PPP Connection is ready to start
I (38849419) simcom: State: Enter NetMode state
I (38849419) gsm-ppp: Initialising...
I (38849679) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38849679) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81966c]: 4208736 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38849789) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38849789) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38852339) gsm-ppp: StatusCallBack: None
I (38852339) gsm-ppp: status_cb: Connected
I (38852339) gsm-ppp:    our_ipaddr  =
I (38852339) gsm-ppp:    his_ipaddr  =
I (38852339) gsm-ppp:    netmask     =
I (38852349) gsm-ppp:    our6_ipaddr = ::
I (38852349) netmanager: Interface priority is st3 ( gateway
I (38852349) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (38852349) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (38852349) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (38852349) netmanager: MODEM up (with WIFI client up): staying with WIFI client priority
I (38852669) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38852669) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818d94]: 4208756 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38852739) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38852739) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38852759) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38852759) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38852769) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38852769) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38852779) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
W (38852779) webserver: HandleLogin: auth failure for username 'admin'
I (38857379) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38857389) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4207844 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38862379) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38862389) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4207844 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38867389) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38867389) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4207844 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38872399) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38872399) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4207848 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38877409) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38877409) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f818d9c]: 4207852 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38882409) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38882409) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4207856 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38887409) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38887419) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4209384 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38892419) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38892429) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81b884]: 4204668 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38897139) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/init
I (38897149) webserver: CfgInit enter 5.test.start
I (38897149) webserver: CfgInitSetStep: step done timeout 0
I (38897159) webserver: CfgInit next: done
I (38897179) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (38897179) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f81c540]: 4205968 bytes free, executing: simcom status
I (38902279) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (39000419) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 18:33:19 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-132396 32b=17160)
OVMS# config list ssh.info
ssh.info (readable read-only)
  fingerprint: mqu0EgjlTsopC92+1wjvrmSKD2Qt3pjpRqqEv2aoy/s
OVMS# config set ssh.keys casner AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5J9XLTz9D+UjvVNk/2mi+nM4iab9SyUTduS6MxeNYZQxBBaHGjo81xMbJDCJjWyMkT83eMUVFkAIaPUA6V2uXC6p5jcbf4NCnkXlXd36tIZaZKjTz8k46Z1uvlnUTzmJYhdT3Wewtn9RIp4L8szYWd34hGuTnMQsfS2NtHyHUVPRQdSLUztnNPbAjTt8vnn4fsI824uGJN43bJJZV1/WvBJxmaEVMypCM7g4hyU7whneXQAUSn5FJmghRFd+yvpWjX8T9vXpwnmWzKA0aeBP6+65lJXkDSHFPy9J4lFmN1ueM3A4or9di7syXjziRp/qW/y8yL0iONu8Da1R7NPDX
Parameter has been set.
.                    Run a script
boot                 BOOT framework
can                  CAN framework
charge               Charging framework
co                   CANopen framework
config               CONFIG framework
disable              Leave secure mode
egpio                EGPIO framework
enable               Enter secure mode
event                EVENT framework
exit                 End console session
help                 Ask for help
homelink             Activate specified homelink button
location             LOCATION framework
lock                 Lock vehicle
log                  LOG framework
metrics              METRICS framework
module               MODULE framework
network              NETWORK framework
notify               NOTIFICATION framework
obdii                OBDII framework
ota                  OTA framework
power                Power control
re                   RE framework
script               Run a script
sd                   SD CARD framework
server               OVMS Server Connection framework
simcom               SIMCOM framework
stat                 Show vehicle status
store                STORE framework
test                 Test framework
time                 TIME framework
unlock               Unlock vehicle
unvalet              Deactivate valet mode
valet                Activate valet mode
vehicle              Vehicle framework
vfs                  VFS framework
wakeup               Wake up vehicle
wifi                 WIFI framework
OVMS# module 
check factory fault memory reset tasks 
OVMS# module check 

******************** Here unplugged to test config loss; OK now ************

auge47> make monitor
--- idf_monitor on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
ho 12 tail 0 room 4
entry 0x400785b0
I (750) spiram: SPI RAM mode: flash 40m sram 40m
I (750) spiram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
I (751) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (755) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x400815a8
0x400815a8: is_initialized at /Users/casner/src/github/esp-idf/components/esp32/./esp_timer.c:400

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1653) spiram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1654) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1654) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (1660) heap_init: At 3FFBC898 len 00023768 (141 KiB): DRAM
I (1666) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1673) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1680) heap_init: At 4009BA2C len 000045D4 (17 KiB): IRAM
I (1685) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1690) spiram: Adding pool of 4096K of external SPI memory to heap allocator
I (36) ovms_main: Set default logging level for * to INFO
I (37) command: Initialising COMMAND (1000)
I (38) boot: Initialising BOOT (1100)
I (41) boot: Power cycle reset detected
I (45) events: Initialising EVENTS (1200)
I (50) config: Initialising CONFIG (1400)
I (55) time: Initialising TIME (1500)
I (60) script: Initialising SCRIPTS (1600)
I (64) script: Using DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (70) metrics: Initialising METRICS (1810)
I (74) metrics: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (83) notify: Initialising NOTIFICATIONS (1820)
I (85) notify: Registered notification type info
I (90) notify: Registered notification type error
I (95) notify: Registered notification type alert
I (101) notify: Registered notification type data
I (106) location: Initialising LOCATIONS (1900)
I (112) location: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (117) vehicle: Initialising VEHICLE Factory (2000)
I (123) pcp: Initialising POWER (4000)
I (127) max7317: Initialising MAX7317 EGPIO (4200)
I (133) sdcard: Initialising SD CARD (4400)
I (138) ota: Initialising OTA (4400)
I (142) can: Initialising CAN (4500)
I (147) simcom: Initialising SIMCOM (4600)
I (151) test: Initialising TEST (5000)
I (155) ovms-module: Initialising MODULE (5100)
I (161) vfs: Initialising VFS (5200)
I (165) ovms-server: Initialising OVMS Server (6000)
I (170) ovms-server-v2: Initialising OVMS V2 Server (6100)
I (177) ovms-server-v3: Initialising OVMS V3 Server (6200)
I (183) obd2ecu: Initialising OBD2ECU (7000)
I (188) canopen: Initialising CANopen (7000)
I (194) esp32wifi: Initialising ESP32WIFI (8000)
I (198) ovms-mdns: Initialising MDNS (8100)
I (203) webserver: Initialising WEBSERVER (8200)
I (209) ssh: Initialising SSH (8300)
I (213) re: Initialising RE Tools (8800)
I (218) netmanager: Initialising NETMANAGER (8999)
I (224) v-voltampera: Registering Vehicle: Volt/Ampera (9000)
I (229) v-track: Registering Vehicle: TRACK (9000)
I (234) v-teslaroadster: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Roadster (9000)
I (241) v-teslamodels: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Model S (9000)
I (248) v-twizy: Registering Vehicle: Renault Twizy (9000)
I (254) v-obdii: Registering Vehicle: OBDII (9000)
I (259) v-none: Registering Vehicle: NONE (9000)
I (265) v-nissanleaf: Registering Vehicle: Nissan Leaf (9000)
I (271) v-kiasoulev: Registering Vehicle: Kia Soul EV (9000)
I (277) v-demo: Registering Vehicle: DEMO (9000)
I (283) version: Initialising Versioning (9900)
I (291) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (359) ovms_main: Executing on CPU core 0
I (359) ovms_main: Mounting CONFIG...
I (419) ovms_main: Configure logging...
I (429) ovms_main: Registering default configs...
I (429) ovms_main: Starting HOUSEKEEPING...
I (429) housekeeping: Initialising HOUSEKEEPING Framework...
I (429) housekeeping: Executing on CPU core 1
I (429) housekeeping: reset_reason: cpu0=1, cpu1=14
I (429) housekeeping: Initialising WATCHDOG...
I (439) housekeeping: Starting PERIPHERALS...
I (439) peripherals: Initialising OVMS Peripherals...
I (449) peripherals:   TCP/IP Adaptor
I (449) peripherals:   ESP32 system
I (459) peripherals:   SPI bus
I (459) peripherals:   MAX7317 I/O Expander
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 CAN
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 WIFI
I (479) peripherals:   ESP32 ADC
I (479) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 1/2
I (489) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 2/2
I (499) peripherals:   SD CARD
I (499) peripherals:   SIMCOM MODEM
I (499) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (509) gpio: GPIO[4]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (519) uart: queue free spaces: 10
I (519) ext12v: Powering off external 12V devices
I (529) housekeeping: Auto init ext12v (free: 199972 bytes)
I (529) housekeeping: Auto init wifi (free: 199972 bytes)
I (539) esp32wifi: Powering up WIFI driver
I (539) wifi: wifi firmware version: c25fd80
I (549) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled
I (549) wifi: config nano formating: disabled
I (549) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (559) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (569) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16
I (569) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (569) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (569) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffd047c, prio:23, stack:4096
I (579) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 4
I (579) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (1389) phy: phy_version: 386.0, 67c798f, Mar 14 2018, 16:34:06, 0, 0
I (1399) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:43:9c:28) + softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (1399) housekeeping: Auto init modem (free: 184416 bytes)
I (1399) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (1409) simcom: Power Cycle
I (2069) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (2409) housekeeping: Auto init vehicle (free: 183996 bytes)
I (2409) v-teslaroadster: Tesla Roadster v1.x, v2.x and v3.0 vehicle module
I (2409) housekeeping: Auto init obd2ecu (free: 176940 bytes)
I (2419) housekeeping: Auto init server v2 (free: 176940 bytes)
I (2429) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server V2 registered metric modifier is #1
I (2429) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server has been started
I (2439) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server v2 running
I (2449) housekeeping: Auto init server v3 (free: 175684 bytes)
I (2449) housekeeping: Auto init done (free: 175684 bytes)
I (2459) housekeeping: Starting USB console...
I (2459) uart: queue free spaces: 30

Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
Firmware: 3.1.006/factory/main
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1
I (2479) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (2489) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:

I (2499) ovms-mdns: Starting MDNS
I (2529) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (2539) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (4219) wifi: ap channel adjust o:1,1 n:7,2
I (4219) wifi: n:7 0, o:1 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (4979) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (4989) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (4999) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (5029) wifi: connected with Revelstoke, channel 7
I (5029) wifi: pm start, type: 1
I (5429) sdcard: SD CARD has been inserted
I (5519) sdcard: mount done
I (6519) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6519) netmanager: Interface priority is st1 ( gateway
I (6519) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (6529) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (6529) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (6529) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (6529) esp32wifi: STA got IP with SSID: Revelstoke, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (6529) time: Starting SNTP client
I (6539) ovms-server-v2: Status: Network is up, so attempt network connection
I (8429) ovms-server-v2: Connection is api.openvehicles.com:6867 US33
I (8429) ovms-server-v2: Status: Connecting...
I (8849) ovms-server-v2: Connection successful
I (8849) ovms-server-v2: Status: Logging in...
I (8849) ovms-server-v2: Sending server login: MP-C 0 iruUcZO1/FSGh0BCelfMq0 kE8Fx/GqHAwilicg6LAwkQ== US33
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Got server response: MP-S 0 sHWq4UxplKcsvCtxa7Yveh nrQR4CdV9vCc807vupkQow==
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Server token is sHWq4UxplKcsvCtxa7Yveh and digest is nrQR4CdV9vCc807vupkQow==
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server authentication ok. Now priming crypto.
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Shared secret key is sHWq4UxplKcsvCtxa7YvehiruUcZO1/FSGh0BCelfMq0 (44 bytes)
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Status: OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established
I (9049) ovms-server-v2: Incoming Msg: MP-0 Z0
I (9429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (9429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (9439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 L0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (9439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 W0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (9439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 F3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31),,0,1,TR,Revelstoke
I (10429) housekeeping: System considered stable (RAM: 8b=113788-138652 32b=17160)
I (20429) simcom: State timeout, transition to 2
I (20429) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (20429) simcom: Power Cycle
I (27149) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (46429) simcom: State: Enter MuxStart state
I (46429) gsm-mux: Start MUX
I (46439) gsm-mux: Channel #0 is open
I (46439) gsm-mux: Channel #1 is open
I (46449) gsm-mux: Channel #2 is open
I (46449) gsm-mux: Channel #3 is open
I (46459) gsm-mux: Channel #4 is open
I (47429) simcom: State: Enter NetWait state
I (57449) simcom: CREG Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
I (58429) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (59589) simcom: PPP Connection is ready to start
I (60429) simcom: State: Enter NetMode state
I (60429) gsm-ppp: Initialising...
I (63419) gsm-ppp: StatusCallBack: None
I (63419) gsm-ppp: status_cb: Connected
I (63419) gsm-ppp:    our_ipaddr  =
I (63419) gsm-ppp:    his_ipaddr  =
I (63419) gsm-ppp:    netmask     =
I (63419) gsm-ppp:    our6_ipaddr = ::
I (63419) netmanager: Interface priority is st1 ( gateway
I (63419) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (63419) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (63419) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (63419) netmanager: MODEM up (with WIFI client up): staying with WIFI client priority
I (300429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 18:45:43 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-134756 32b=17160)
I (305189) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (310919) webserver: HTTP POST /status
I (310929) webserver: HandleLogin: 'admin' logged in, sid 5c48e06100ee55a9
I (311129) webserver: HTTP GET /menu
I (311129) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (322889) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/wifi
I (341839) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/wifi
I (572369) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (572369) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (572369) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (600429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 18:50:44 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-134324 32b=17160)
I (610429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (610429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,610,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (900429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 18:55:44 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-134324 32b=17160)
I (1200429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 19:00:44 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-134324 32b=17160)
I (1211429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (1211429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,1211,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
OVMS> ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
ho 12 tail 0 room 4
entry 0x400785b0
I (749) spiram: SPI RAM mode: flash 40m sram 40m
I (749) spiram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
I (751) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (754) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x400815a8
0x400815a8: is_initialized at /Users/casner/src/github/esp-idf/components/esp32/./esp_timer.c:400

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1653) spiram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1653) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1653) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (1660) heap_init: At 3FFBC898 len 00023768 (141 KiB): DRAM
I (1666) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1672) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1679) heap_init: At 4009BA2C len 000045D4 (17 KiB): IRAM
I (1685) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1690) spiram: Adding pool of 4096K of external SPI memory to heap allocator
I (36) ovms_main: Set default logging level for * to INFO
I (36) command: Initialising COMMAND (1000)
I (37) boot: Initialising BOOT (1100)
I (41) boot: Power cycle reset detected
I (45) events: Initialising EVENTS (1200)
I (50) config: Initialising CONFIG (1400)
I (55) time: Initialising TIME (1500)
I (60) script: Initialising SCRIPTS (1600)
I (63) script: Using DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (69) metrics: Initialising METRICS (1810)
I (74) metrics: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (83) notify: Initialising NOTIFICATIONS (1820)
I (85) notify: Registered notification type info
I (90) notify: Registered notification type error
I (95) notify: Registered notification type alert
I (100) notify: Registered notification type data
I (106) location: Initialising LOCATIONS (1900)
I (112) location: Expanding DUKTAPE javascript engine
I (117) vehicle: Initialising VEHICLE Factory (2000)
I (123) pcp: Initialising POWER (4000)
I (127) max7317: Initialising MAX7317 EGPIO (4200)
I (132) sdcard: Initialising SD CARD (4400)
I (137) ota: Initialising OTA (4400)
I (142) can: Initialising CAN (4500)
I (147) simcom: Initialising SIMCOM (4600)
I (151) test: Initialising TEST (5000)
I (155) ovms-module: Initialising MODULE (5100)
I (161) vfs: Initialising VFS (5200)
I (165) ovms-server: Initialising OVMS Server (6000)
I (170) ovms-server-v2: Initialising OVMS V2 Server (6100)
I (177) ovms-server-v3: Initialising OVMS V3 Server (6200)
I (183) obd2ecu: Initialising OBD2ECU (7000)
I (188) canopen: Initialising CANopen (7000)
I (193) esp32wifi: Initialising ESP32WIFI (8000)
I (198) ovms-mdns: Initialising MDNS (8100)
I (203) webserver: Initialising WEBSERVER (8200)
I (209) ssh: Initialising SSH (8300)
I (212) re: Initialising RE Tools (8800)
I (218) netmanager: Initialising NETMANAGER (8999)
I (224) v-voltampera: Registering Vehicle: Volt/Ampera (9000)
I (228) v-track: Registering Vehicle: TRACK (9000)
I (234) v-teslaroadster: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Roadster (9000)
I (241) v-teslamodels: Registering Vehicle: Tesla Model S (9000)
I (247) v-twizy: Registering Vehicle: Renault Twizy (9000)
I (254) v-obdii: Registering Vehicle: OBDII (9000)
I (259) v-none: Registering Vehicle: NONE (9000)
I (264) v-nissanleaf: Registering Vehicle: Nissan Leaf (9000)
I (271) v-kiasoulev: Registering Vehicle: Kia Soul EV (9000)
I (277) v-demo: Registering Vehicle: DEMO (9000)
I (282) version: Initialising Versioning (9900)
I (291) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (359) ovms_main: Executing on CPU core 0
I (359) ovms_main: Mounting CONFIG...
I (419) ovms_main: Configure logging...
I (429) ovms_main: Registering default configs...
I (429) ovms_main: Starting HOUSEKEEPING...
I (429) housekeeping: Initialising HOUSEKEEPING Framework...
I (429) housekeeping: Executing on CPU core 1
I (429) housekeeping: reset_reason: cpu0=1, cpu1=14
I (429) housekeeping: Initialising WATCHDOG...
I (439) housekeeping: Starting PERIPHERALS...
I (439) peripherals: Initialising OVMS Peripherals...
I (449) peripherals:   TCP/IP Adaptor
I (449) peripherals:   ESP32 system
I (459) peripherals:   SPI bus
I (459) peripherals:   MAX7317 I/O Expander
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 CAN
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 WIFI
I (469) peripherals:   ESP32 ADC
I (479) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 1/2
I (489) peripherals:   MCP2515 CAN 2/2
I (499) peripherals:   SD CARD
I (499) peripherals:   SIMCOM MODEM
I (499) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (509) gpio: GPIO[4]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (519) uart: queue free spaces: 10
I (519) ext12v: Powering off external 12V devices
I (529) housekeeping: Auto init ext12v (free: 199972 bytes)
I (529) housekeeping: Auto init wifi (free: 199972 bytes)
I (539) esp32wifi: Powering up WIFI driver
I (539) wifi: wifi firmware version: c25fd80
I (549) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled
I (549) wifi: config nano formating: disabled
I (549) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (559) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (579) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (579) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffd047c, prio:23, stack:4096
I (589) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 4
I (589) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (1399) phy: phy_version: 386.0, 67c798f, Mar 14 2018, 16:34:06, 0, 0
I (1399) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:43:9c:28) + softAP (30:ae:a4:43:9c:29)
I (1409) housekeeping: Auto init modem (free: 184416 bytes)
I (1409) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (1419) simcom: Power Cycle
I (2069) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (2419) housekeeping: Auto init vehicle (free: 183432 bytes)
I (2419) v-teslaroadster: Tesla Roadster v1.x, v2.x and v3.0 vehicle module
I (2419) housekeeping: Auto init obd2ecu (free: 176376 bytes)
I (2429) housekeeping: Auto init server v2 (free: 176376 bytes)
I (2439) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server V2 registered metric modifier is #1
I (2439) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server has been started
I (2449) ovms-server-v2: OVMS Server v2 running
I (2459) housekeeping: Auto init server v3 (free: 175256 bytes)
I (2459) housekeeping: Auto init done (free: 175256 bytes)
I (2469) housekeeping: Starting USB console...
I (2469) uart: queue free spaces: 30

Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
Firmware: 3.1.006/factory/main
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/1

I (2489) netmanager: WIFI access point is up
I (2489) esp32wifi: AP started with SSID: US33, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:29, IP:
I (2499) ovms-mdns: Starting MDNS
I (2529) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (2549) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (4229) wifi: ap channel adjust o:1,1 n:7,2
I (4229) wifi: n:7 0, o:1 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (4989) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (4999) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (5009) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (5029) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (5029) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (5029) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 leave, AID = 1
I (5029) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (5039) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (5039) esp32wifi: AP station disconnected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (5049) wifi: connected with Revelstoke, channel 7
I (5049) wifi: pm start, type: 1
I (5429) sdcard: SD CARD has been inserted
I (5439) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 0, ap:7 2, sta:7 0, prof:7
I (5439) wifi: station: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48 join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (5519) sdcard: mount done
I (5519) esp32wifi: AP station connected: id: 1, MAC: 10:1c:0c:7e:45:48
I (6129) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6129) netmanager: Interface priority is st1 ( gateway
I (6129) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (6129) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (6129) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (6129) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (6129) esp32wifi: STA got IP with SSID: Revelstoke, MAC: 30:ae:a4:43:9c:28, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (6129) time: Starting SNTP client
I (6139) ovms-server-v2: Status: Network is up, so attempt network connection
I (7429) ovms-server-v2: Connection is api.openvehicles.com:6867 US33
I (7429) ovms-server-v2: Status: Connecting...
I (7949) ovms-server-v2: Connection successful
I (7949) ovms-server-v2: Status: Logging in...
I (7949) ovms-server-v2: Sending server login: MP-C 0 Nsmcpvg9cEaqx54jQKSs8c aenkCNVPpjRvYqclY48xog== US33
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Got server response: MP-S 0 Z36VORjdjDznn6OZkuqoVV F8ldVIkvtZHeh+I4soSJOw==
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Server token is Z36VORjdjDznn6OZkuqoVV and digest is F8ldVIkvtZHeh+I4soSJOw==
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server authentication ok. Now priming crypto.
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Shared secret key is Z36VORjdjDznn6OZkuqoVVNsmcpvg9cEaqx54jQKSs8c (44 bytes)
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Status: OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established
I (8149) ovms-server-v2: Incoming Msg: MP-0 Z0
I (8429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (8429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (8439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 L0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (8439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 W0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I (8439) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 F3.1.006/factory/main (build idf v3.1-dev-984-g9cad14b1 May 24 2018 13:24:31),,0,1,TR,Revelstoke
I (10429) housekeeping: System considered stable (RAM: 8b=113788-138580 32b=17160)
I (20429) simcom: State timeout, transition to 2
I (20429) simcom: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (20429) simcom: Power Cycle
I (26499) simcom: State: Enter PoweredOn state
I (46429) simcom: State: Enter MuxStart state
I (46429) gsm-mux: Start MUX
I (46429) gsm-mux: Channel #0 is open
I (46439) gsm-mux: Channel #1 is open
I (46439) gsm-mux: Channel #2 is open
I (46449) gsm-mux: Channel #3 is open
I (46449) gsm-mux: Channel #4 is open
I (47429) simcom: State: Enter NetWait state
I (57449) simcom: CREG Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
I (58429) simcom: State: Enter NetStart state
I (59599) simcom: PPP Connection is ready to start
I (60429) simcom: State: Enter NetMode state
I (60429) gsm-ppp: Initialising...
I (63509) gsm-ppp: StatusCallBack: None
I (63509) gsm-ppp: status_cb: Connected
I (63509) gsm-ppp:    our_ipaddr  =
I (63509) gsm-ppp:    his_ipaddr  =
I (63509) gsm-ppp:    netmask     =
I (63509) gsm-ppp:    our6_ipaddr = ::
I (63519) netmanager: Interface priority is st1 ( gateway
I (63519) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (63519) netmanager: Set DNS#1
I (63519) netmanager: Set DNS#2
I (63519) netmanager: MODEM up (with WIFI client up): staying with WIFI client priority
I (300429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 19:10:41 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-134684 32b=17160)
I (395189) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (395409) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/style.css
I (395469) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (395479) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (395659) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (600429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 19:15:41 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-133156 32b=17160)
I (609429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0
I (609429) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,609,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.6,0,0,0
I (900429) housekeeping: 2018-06-20 19:20:41 GMT (RAM: 8b=113788-133156 32b=17160)

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