[Ovmsdev] OVMS v3.1 Release Candidate

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Tue Feb 27 17:59:43 HKT 2018

I fixed the issue with SIMCOM UART.

It was another compatibility issue with SDCARD. The GPIO4 and GPIO13 we are using for v3.1 simcom modem are SD_DATA1 and SD_DATA3. Even though I had set SDCARD to 1-line mode, the ESP IDF driver was still reserving all those GPIO pins for itself (at hardware controller level). A 1-line (sic) change to our SD-CARD component fixes this and frees SD_DATA1, SD_DATA2, SD_DATA3 for our other uses.

With firmware fix made, I can mount the SD CARD, and run ‘test sd’ while talking to simcom modem. All ok.

CAN2 is now also ok. I re-flowed the solder on that part of the board, and all looks good now.

OVMS > can can1 start active 1000000
Can bus can1 started in mode active at speed 1000000Kbps

OVMS > can can2 start active 1000000
Can bus can2 started in mode active at speed 1000000Kbps

OVMS > can can3 start active 1000000
Can bus can3 started in mode active at speed 1000000Kbps

OVMS > can log trace
CAN logging active: Type:trace; Path:''; Filter:off; Vehicle:;
Note: info logging is done at log level debug, frame logging at verbose

OVMS > log level verbose
Logging level for * set to verbose

OVMS > can can1 tx standard 100 01 02 03 04
V (66710) canlog: TX can1 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (66710) canlog: RX can2 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (66710) canlog: RX can3 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ….

OVMS > can can2 tx standard 100 01 02 03 04
V (73230) canlog: TX can2 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (73230) canlog: RX can1 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (73230) canlog: RX can3 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....

OVMS > can can3 tx standard 100 01 02 03 04
V (80380) canlog: TX can3 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (80380) canlog: RX can1 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....
V (80380) canlog: RX can2 id 100 len 4: 01 02 03 04             | ....

OVMS > can can1 status
CAN:       can1
Mode:      Active
Speed:     1000000
Interrupts:                   4
Rx pkt:                       2
Rx err:                       0
Rx ovrflw:                    0
Tx pkt:                       2
Tx delays:                    0
Tx err:                       0
Tx ovrflw:                    0
Err flags: 0
D (88210) canlog: Status can1 intr=4 rxpkt=2 txpkt=2 errflags=0 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0

OVMS > can can2 status
CAN:       can2
Mode:      Active
Speed:     1000000
Interrupts:                   4
Rx pkt:                       3
Rx err:                       0
Rx ovrflw:                    0
Tx pkt:                       1
Tx delays:                    0
Tx err:                       0
Tx ovrflw:                    0
Err flags: 0

D (90770) canlog: Status can2 intr=4 rxpkt=3 txpkt=1 errflags=0 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0
OVMS > can can3 status
CAN:       can3
Mode:      Active
Speed:     1000000
Interrupts:                   4
Rx pkt:                       3
Rx err:                       0
Rx ovrflw:                    0
Tx pkt:                       1
Tx delays:                    0
Tx err:                       0
Tx ovrflw:                    0
Err flags: 0
D (92910) canlog: Status can3 intr=4 rxpkt=3 txpkt=1 errflags=0 rxerr=0 txerr=0 rxovr=0 txovr=0 txdelay=0

So 16MB Flash, 4MB SPIRAM, ESP32, modem, CAN, EGPIO, and SDCARD are all ok. I will test the remaining few peripherals tonight (need 12v power). I think we are going to be ok now.

Component orders have been placed. I’m going to order a first batch of 120 modules tonight (assuming no issues with the last few peripherals).

Regards, Mark.

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