[Ovmsdev] 3.1

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Fri Feb 16 15:54:37 HKT 2018

Getting there.

Just finished hand-soldering this 3.1 board. Removed the WROVER module, 1.8v voltage regulator, external 16MB flash, and 3.3/1.8v level converter components. Also removed the GSM and GPS antennas because they were just in the way. Removed the shield off a new WROVER module, de-soldered the 4MB 1.8v flash, and replaced it with a 16MB 1.8v flash. Then, soldered the new WROVER module onto the board.

Then I re-soldered a couple of tiny resistors that came loose from all that messing around with the SMD heat gun :-)

My eyes hurt… Too old for this SMD stuff.

Here is what I get:

OVMS > module memory
Free 8-bit 127912/283860, 32-bit 912/16064, SPIRAM 4182228/4194252
AsyncConsole        988   6444  14404  12000       +988  +6444 +14404 +12000
no task            5348      0      0      0      +5348     +0     +0     +0
esp_timer         50848      0    644      0     +50848     +0   +644     +0
main              13052      0      0      0     +13052     +0     +0     +0
ipc0              11096      0      0      0     +11096     +0     +0     +0
Housekeeping      44924      0      0      0     +44924     +0     +0     +0
tiT                 128      0      0      0       +128     +0     +0     +0
ipc1                 12      0      0      0        +12     +0     +0     +0
Tmr Svc              20      0      0      0        +20     +0     +0     +0

It seems to work fine. I’ve got 4MB PSRAM, 16MB flash, and SD CARD all working together properly.

Thanks Steve, for all that 'module memory' work - I hope Espressif accept it upstream because it is incredibly useful.

We’ve also sourced a WROVER module already manufactured with 1.8v 16MB flash (to avoid all that nasty hacking around) - it is significantly more expensive, and long lead-time, but we’ll swallow the cost for the first batch (and hope to find a cheaper source for subsequent production runs). The 3.1 board itself doesn’t need modifying (just leave the external flash pads unpopulated).

Side Note: The forums have got quite a few people asking for 16MB modules, but nobody making these as standard products. Given that the design is open source, we are now talking about going into the business of making 16MB WROVER modules :-)

So, we should be good to go. I’ll just test all the other components, and make sure power consumption is still on track. My China contact gets back from Chinese New Year holidays at the end of this month. Should be good to start production early March.


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