[Ovmsdev] StdMetrics.ms_v_env_parktime

Geir Øyvind Vælidalo geir at validalo.net
Fri Nov 24 05:55:21 HKT 2017

«Quick» question:

StdMetrics.ms_v_env_parktime, is it seconds since the car was parked, which means we should update it in Ticker1? Or is it the time when the car was parked? 
Looking at V2 and the OVMS-V2conversion in V3, it looks to me like the first, but looking at the Twizy-module it looks like the latter.

I guess setting the start time should be enough. When sending packets to V2-server, we could easily calculate the seconds: time(NULL)-ms_v_env_parktime. Unless ms_v_env_parktime is 0, then we’re not parked. 
The same could then be done for ms_v_charge_minutes too.

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