[Ovmsdev] 12V battery alerts

Rolf Welde Skeie rwskeie at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 16:28:46 HKT 2013


I'm getting 12V battery alerts ala:
"MP-0 PAALERT!!! 12V BATTERY CRITICAL (13.2V, ref=14.7V)"

So the 1.5V hardcoded difference between charged and non-charged state 
seems to be too low. The battery is working just fine and has been 
tested without any issues, but seems to stabilize at approx. 12.8V.

Is this a global issue; are others experiencing this as well?

If this is a issue only relevant to my car: would it make sense to allow 
for controlling some of these kind of values through parameters?

BTW, I believe the Think City module could be put in the production 
builds, it seems to be working fine.

Best regards
Rolf Welde Skeie
Solåsen 27, 5223 Nesttun, Norway
+47 92403016 / rwskeie at gmail.com

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