[Ovmsdev] Twizy controller configuration / CANopen SDO protocol

Michael Balzer dexter at expeedo.de
Tue Dec 31 20:39:26 HKT 2013

Hi everyone,

sorry for dropping behind/off last months, lots of work.

I've not been able to catch up on the framework advances yet, but 
nevertheless wanted to announce a major Twizy update I'm currently 
working on.

This update enables access to the SEVCON controller configuration of the 

Low level commands allow read and write access to all SDOs. Macro 
commands allow to easily change common settings like maximum speed, 
maximum torque, power and recuperation levels and drive profile 

There is a potential benefit for other vehicles from this development: 
I've done a basic CANopen SDO protocol implementation for this. The 
implementation is specific to the Twizy only because it's limited to 
addressing just node #1 and currently only supports expedited SDO 
transfers, not segmented. The node id could easily be made variable, and 
segmented transfers should be not much of a problem. It still is nowhere 
near a complete CANopen protocol implementation, but allows SDO reading 
and writing. Tell me if this sounds useful for other vehicles.

As I've not yet integrated your latest work, I've pushed this into my 
Github repository first:


I'll also wait for some more user feedback before going on, and I also 
want to implement support for the Twizy 45 before merging this in.

Just wanted to let you know in case you wonder about rising OVMS 
hardware sales lately ;-)

Oh, and I wish you all a happy new year!


Michael Balzer * Paradestr. 8 * D-42107 Wuppertal
Fon 0202 / 272 2201 * Handy 0176 / 206 989 26

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