[Ovmsdev] Tesla Roadster - CAN reverse engineer - id#100 B1=05

Mark Webb-Johnson mark at webb-johnson.net
Mon Jun 4 22:16:39 HKT 2012

Working on my can-re-tool, I tried parsing some old logs, and this one popped out as obvious when viewing it as ASCII (doh, why didn't I think of that before?):

id#100 B1=05

My sample data:

100 05 44 01 00 48 4B 00 00 .D..HK..

Michael Stegen has:

100 05 44 01 00 4E 4C 00 00 .D..NL..

It also seems that rather than the usual B1 uniqueness for this message, B2 also matters.

ID#100 B1=05 B2=44 seems to have the country of the car.

I'm also seeing B2=12, B2=14 and B2=46. Data for those is:

100 05 12 01 00 03 06 04 00
100 05 14 01 00 28 00 00 00
100 05 46 01 00 15 F5 17 00

Could these be the elusive car firmware version messages?

In particular, '100 05 12' looks suspiciously like my previous firmware version 4.6.3, and '100 05 14' shows B5=28 which is the HW Pkg 40 (decimal) of the old firmware version as well.

These don't appear in all logs (which is probably why we didn't see them before), but in the log I get the most of these, I see a prior ID#102 transmission from the VDS:

1320743357.560 R11 102 04 12
1320743357.584 R11 102 04 14
1320743357.607 R11 102 04 44
1320743357.708 R11 100 05 12 01 00 03 06 04 00
1320743357.709 R11 100 05 14 01 00 28 00 00 00
1320743357.709 R11 100 05 44 01 00 48 4B 00 00
1320743357.828 R11 102 04 12
1320743357.831 R11 100 05 12 01 00 03 06 04 00
1320743357.851 R11 102 04 14
1320743357.856 R11 100 05 14 01 00 28 00 00 00
1320743358.009 R11 102 04 12
1320743358.011 R11 100 05 12 01 00 03 06 04 00
1320743358.031 R11 102 04 14
1320743358.034 R11 100 05 14 01 00 28 00 00 00

Time to take my laptop to the car and see what else I can coax out from there....

My car firmware has since been upgraded to 4.6.5, so this should be simple to confirm.

Regards, Mark.

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